Any work that denies them their right to education must therefore be regarded as hazardous. This paper analyses the relationship between education and the phenomenon of child labour in Aligarh city. Poverty is really the most important reason for child labour and consequently low school participation...
Any work that denies them their right to education must therefore be regarded as hazardous. This paper analyses the relationship between education and the phenomenon of child labour in Aligarh city. Poverty is really the most important reason for child labour and consequently low school participation...
Various environmental factors like pollution, air quality (mainly in industrial areas or metro localities), and hazardous chemicals effect both mental and physical health. Certain bad social practices, such as smoking or alcohol addiction, can have considerable impacts on heath. Such problems in an ...
childlabourinruralareas,theunder-regulation o theagricultureanddomesticworksectors,thehazardousnature o someo theirwork,anditslongtermcost,makethisanarea deservingurgentattention. Agender ocustakesintoaccountthespecicitieso girls’andboys’ inruralareas.Girlso tensu erdiscriminationinaccesstoschooland employment...
Child Labour from Hazardous Occupations and Processes4 Promoting Skill Development5 Strengthening Employment Services6 Prevention and Settlement of Industrial Disputes and Strengthening Labour Laws Enforcement Machinery7 Improving Safety Conditions and Safety of WorkersFunctions ". l: '. I'"~ • ••...