This is because rural communities have many constraints in obtaining education, employment opportunities, and earning a high income. This study aims to examine the factors that cause poverty in rural communities and investigate the socio-economic position and level of educational ...
Aside from the ACA, a small sample of widely used federal programs that use the Federal Poverty Level guidelines (or some multiple of) include: Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Community Service Block Grant FCC’s Federal Monthly Internet Subsidy Head Start: pre-K education and care ...
Using longitudinal cohort data, we computed life expectancy for US adults by social determinants such as education, income/poverty level, occupation, and housing tenure. Methods: We analyzed the 1997-2014 National Health Interview Survey prospectively linked to mortality records in the National Death ...
Education is the fundamental pillar for governing a country, managing a home and living a livelihood. Although attaining higher education level does not necessarily lead to proportional accumulation of wealth, it determines one's ability... L Yang - Chinese Society in the Xi Jinping Era 被引量:...
even though they started on a different path. For example, 15 years after giving birth to a child outside of marriage, only 9 percent of mothers who earned a high school education, worked full-time, and later married were in poverty. Among mothers who failed to complete any of those thre...
physically or emotionallydisabled, or chronically ill. Physical and mental handicaps are usually regarded sympathetically, as being beyond the control of the people who suffer from them. Efforts toamelioratepoverty due to physical causes focus on education, sheltered employment, and, if needed, economi...
educationandpoverty教育与贫困 系统标签: povertyeducationcorporatistefinantecercetariasociatia ProcediaEconomicsandFinance32(2015)855–860Availableonlineat.sciencedirect2212-5671©2015TheAuthors.PublishedbyElsevierB.V.ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBY-NC-NDlicense(http://creativecommons/licenses/by-nc-nd/4....
The conflicts inIraqandSyriahave resulted in an additional 3.4 million children missing out on education, bringing the number of out-of-school children across the Middle East and North Africa back to 2007's level of approximately 16 million. ...
Nonetheless, the first half of the period since 1991 saw substantial increases in rates of ever-attendance and of current-attendance at the basic education level. This growth appears to have been driven by narrowing regional differentials, increasing welfare, urbanisation, improving gender equity, ...
Many academics and policymakers argue that increases in spending on public education will reduce poverty. The goal of this paper is to evaluate whether increases in current spending on public education at the K-12 level lowers poverty rates in the United States. Using public education expenditure ...