RUSSIA-Ukraine Conflict, 2014-In 2005 Vladimir Putin described the dismantling of the USSR as the "greatest geopolitical catastrophe" of the 20th century. Our intervention tries to point out, beyond the emotions caused by this human drama which surrounds us today - the war in Ukraine, certain ...
While poutine’s name clearly has nothing to do with Vladimir Putin, Charlebois said they both became internationally famous at around the same time, and he thinks the Russian president may have at least helped some people learn how to say the dish’s name properly. “The pronunciation of...
La Corée du Nord a lancé une violente diatribe contre le président américain Joe Biden, taxé de “vieil homme d’age sénile” et de “faible” pour avoir accusé son homologue russe Vladimir Poutine de crimes de guerre en Ukraine, a rapportéBFMTV. Joe Biden a accusé a plusieurs re...