Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree poul·try (pōl′trē) n. Domesticated fowl, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, or geese, raised for meat or eggs. [Middle Englishpultrie, from Old Frenchpouletrie, frompouletier,poultry dealer, from...
The management of laying hens is mostly by using enriched caged systems. In future, the production of indigenous breeds (Zagorje turkey and Hrvatica hen) is anticipated to have an important role in Croatian poultry production, as these breeds are resistant and endurable, and have the potential ...
Iowa State College Journal of Science, 34, 27–46. Google Scholar Ayres, J.C., Ogilvy, W.S. and Stewart, G.F. (1950) Postmortem changes in stored meats. I. Microorganisms associated with the development of slime on eviscerated cut-up poultry. Food Technology, 4, 199–205. Google ...
Flegal, C.J. and Zindel, H.C. (1970). The utilization of poultry waste as a feedstuff for growing chicks.Research Report,117,Michigan State University, East Lansing, pp. 21–8. Google Scholar Gerry, R.W. (1956). The use of poultry by-products in poultry rations.Poultry Sci.,35, 11...
The hen has some functions that are constitutive or always functioning and other functions that are adaptive or used as the need arises to maintain the homeostatic state. New molting methods have been reviewed and developed, and nonanorexic methods have been adopted by the layer hen industry (...
Global poultry production: current state and future outlook and challenges This paper presents the current situation of the global poultry sector and future trends, and discusses the challenges the sector is facing, with particula... A Mottet,G Tempio - 《Worlds Poultry Science Journal》 被引量:...
Every member state of the European Union has its own strict salmonella monitoring and eradication programs. European poultry slaughterhouses are under continuous supervision of an official veterinarian. The poultry sector in Europe works according to the farm-to-fork principle: problems are tackled righ...
S. Tyabo (2013): Effect of climate change on poultry production in Ondo state, Nigeria. Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2 (14): 55-60.Adesiji, G. B., Baba, S. T., & Tyabo, I. S. (2013). Effects of climate change on poultry production in Ondo ...
The mean technical efficiency of poultry production by small scale poultry farmers in Enugu State, Nigeria is 62%, implying that there are yet about 38% of chances for improvement on the technical efficiency of production. Given the existing technology of the poultry farmers, proper management ...
The study examined the constraints to utilization of poultry production technology in Oyo State, Nigeria. Primary data were collected using a set of structured and validated interview schedule from 120 poultry farmers who were selected using multistage sampling techniques from four Local Government Areas...