The influence of economic development and increased consumer health awareness has led to substantial growth in poultry consumption in regions like Asia, particularly in China and India. Similarly, Western countries have a growing preference for organic and antibiotic-free poultry products3. Consequently,...
These poultry products boast a commendable nutritional profile characterized by high biological value protein and low-fat content, rendering them suitable for consumption across all age groups. By incorporating poultry products into diets, individuals can potentially reduce the risk of metabolic diseases ...
India ranked the third largest egg producer and the fourth largest meat producer in the world. But the consumption of egg and chicken meat is too low when compared to developed countries. In order to increase the per capita consumption and improve the livelihood of the farming community, turkey...
Major markets for poultry egg consumption in APAC include China, Japan, and India. In 2023, China was the largest producer of poultry eggs, accounting for approximately one-third of global production. The rise in consumption can be attributed to negative publicity surrounding red meat and concerns...
In India, the rising consumption of protein-rich foods due to the surging health concerns represents the primary factor driving the market growth. Besides this, the growing consumer preferences toward a non-vegetarian diet owing to changing food consumption patterns is another major growth-inducing fa...
CompaniesFrozenFoodSalesAnalysis:TemptationFoodssalesfromfrozenfoodsegmentfortheyear2014;hasincreasedalmost3timescomparedtotheirsalesin2009.Venky’sIndiafrozenfoodsaleisexpectedtodoubleby2019comparedtotheirsalein2014.MotherDairyisexpectedtogeneratethesaleofmorethanUS$100Millionfromitsfrozenfoodsegments. ...
Although India is among the countries with the lowest meat consumption, with less than 4 kg per capita per year, Indians are gradually changing their eating habits. Meat consumption is increasing in India, too, but not in proportions as dramatic as in China. Nonetheless, with a growing ...
The countries with the highest volumes of poultry consumption in 2019 were China (20 million tonnes), the U.S. (19 million tonnes), and Brazil (12 million tonnes), with a combined 40% share of global consumption. These countries were followed by Russia, Mexico, India, Japan, Indonesia, ...
the global production and consumption of poultry meat are still steadily growing. In fact, more than 100,000 tons of chicken meat and 70 million tons of eggs are annually produced worldwide, followed by an upward trend during recent years, and is projected as the livestock segment with the ...
The government statistician estimated the number kept in 1900 at 3,180,000 fowls, 320,000 ducks, 234,000 turkeys and 97,000 geese, the annual consumption being about three-fourths of this, and of eggs about 97,000,000. In Canada the government makes considerable effort to encourage poultry...