Breeding of poultry for egg productionJordaan, J.J.Farming in South Africa
This study examined production efficiency of poultry egg production in Chikun and Igabi LGAs of Kaduna State, Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling procedure was adopted to select 49 poultry egg producers through the use of structured questionnaire. A Stochastic frontier production functions was used to anal...
The purpose of this study was to determine the technical efficiency of poultry egg production in Nigeria. A sample of 60 poultry-egg farmers was selected by multistage sampling procedure and data were collected by using a structured questionnaire. A stochastic frontier production function was ...
Fertility, Hatchability and Egg Production of Poultry at the Government Poultry Farm, Ambepussa, CeylonINTRODUCTIONdoi:10.3382/ps.0330722MahadevanP.Poultry Science
Acute - Description of a disease with a severe or short development, often measured in hours and ending in death or recovery; opposite of chronic. Air cell - The air space between the two shell membranes, usually at the large end of the egg, that can be plainly seen when an egg is ca...
Meghalaya about 32 farmers adopted 20 birds each of Vanaraja breed. Farmers were advised on low-costpoultry housingmade from locally available materials like bamboo andthatchgrass. The low-cost housing improved survival of birds, theirweight gain, and egg production compared to local breeds without...
Lee, 1973. The effects of egg production and egg composition of adding supplements of amino acids and/or urea of dried autoclaved poultry manure at a low-protein layer diet. Br. Poult. Sci., 14: 9-16.BLAIR,R. & LEE,D. f. W. (1973) The effect on egg production and egg ...
Three hundred 4weeks old Japanese quails were used to determine the effects of hibiscus calyx (H.Sabdariffa) on egg production and egg quality parameters. The quails were randomly divided into three treatment groups (n=100).Birds in group 1 serve as controls and were given plain drinking water...
Research Note: “Hidden” infectious bursal disease virus infections in Central Europe Tamás Mató, András Medveczki, István Kiss Article 101958 View PDF MANAGEMENT AND PRODUCTION select article Effect of parent flock age on hatching, growth rate, and features of both sexes goose carcasses ...
Helical spring auger : from South Africa feeding capacity:450kg/h. (4) Feed level sensor from Israel: time delay range 0 to 2 hours. 3 .Automatic nipple drinking line system This system can provide fresh and clean water for poultry which is crucial...