Every child is unique, and each matures at his or her own pace. No comparisons allowed, especially when it comes to potty training! As the parent, you know your children best. You know how they learn new things, and you'll figure out the best potty training method for each child. ...
蹲坑英语就从与蹲坑相关的话题开始。 小朋友的蹲坑训练——Potty Training Potty Training: train (a small child) to use a potty. 顾名思义就是让小朋友学会自己上厕所。 Potty种类繁多,比较常见的长这样: 来看看这个词咋用滴: Potty trainingis a big step for kids and parents alike. 如厕训练对小朋友...
翻译结果:“potty training”翻译为中文是“如厕训练”。 应用场景:“potty training”通常用于描述对婴幼儿进行的上厕所习惯的训练过程,帮助他们学会控制排便并在适当的时候使用厕所。 造句例句: 英文:Starting potty training can be a challenging but rewarding experience for both parents ...
Define potty-training. potty-training synonyms, potty-training pronunciation, potty-training translation, English dictionary definition of potty-training. vb to teach a small child to use a potty or toilet Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabr
Why Potty Time? Potty Time is a playful and positive approach to potty training. Emmy-nominated host Rachel Coleman teaches and inspires children to use the potty – and helps them sing, sign, and dance to celebrate their amazing bodies and potty time success. Potty Time is a perfect partner...
开门第一句话,potty training不要急不要急不要急!重要的事情要说三遍。 根据我本人的经验和看过的各种育儿书,potty training最重中之重的一点就是,孩子是否真的准备好了。准备好了的表现有:是否能保持至少两个小时不会小便,每次尿的量较大,大便的时间是否有规律,能自己穿脱内裤,大便时会告诉你或者有...
Potty trainingDu, Junfei
Why Potty Time? Potty Time is a playful and positive approach to potty training. Emmy-nominated host Rachel Coleman teaches and inspires children to use the potty – and helps them sing, sign, and dance to celebrate their amazing bodies and potty time success. Potty Time is a perfect partner...
Are you ready to start thepotty trainingadventure with your little one? Potty training is notoriously stressful for parents and child, but it does not have to be that way! I had a particularly strong willed child on my hands and I knew if I did one of the traditional methods, we would...
Britannica Dictionary definition of POTTY TRAINING [noncount] :toilet training — potty–train verbpotty–trains;potty–trained;potty–training[+ object] She's trying topotty-trainher daughter. — potty–trained adjective The twins arepotty-trainednow....