Rodin’s ‘Monument to Balzac’ was originally rejected by the critics in Paris. This overly innovative monument caused such an outrage when it was unveiled in 1898 that the commission was cancelled. Rodin never saw his monument cast in bronze. Balzac is depicted in a monks habit, which he ...
Zen is a term that encapsulatesa feeling of peace, oneness, and enlightenment. It also describes a form of Buddhism in which meditation is used to remain present and non-judgmental. Zen is practiced diligently over a lifetime using a state of meditative calm in which one uses direct, intuiti...
They are one of the clans at Hopi and are typically seen in katsina form and their feathers are often used in the ceremonies. Rainy learned to make pottery from her mother, Helen (Featherwoman) Naha. Rainy continues to innovate and also create her own voice among Hopi-Tewa potters. ( Ki...
The French have always been intrinsic style innovators in fashion and the arts and have readily adapted to new trends. In the ceramic arts, there has been a consistent tradition of invention, research, and the adoption of new techniques through the ages. Bernard Palissy, Theodore Deck, Edmond ...