水下呼吸药水丨Potion of Water Breathing< 魔法物品 | AgelBot 于4个月前修改了此页面。 药水,非普通 饮用此药水后,你可以在水下呼吸,持续1小时。这种浑浊的绿色药水闻起来有海水的味道,其中漂浮着一个水母形状的气泡。 来源: 《地下城主指南》分类: 《地下城主指南》 魔法物品魔法物品/攀爬药水龙与地下...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a Potion of Water Breathing (8:00) with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, you can brew a Potion of Water Breathing (8:00) that is extended to last longer than a regular Potion of Water
Potion of Water Breathing:Three minutes of being able to breathe underwater without the oxygen bar depleting. Ingredient:Pufferfish Potion of Slow Falling:One minute and 30 seconds of falling at a much slower rate and no fall damage. Ingredient:Phantom Membrane Potion of Poison:Causes up to 18...
物品(2) 物品(2) 1—2的2 名称 等级 需要等级 阵营 物品栏 来源 类型 中文:优质法力药水 英文:Superior Mana Potion 5141已制造、掉落、商人、可钓药水 中文:水下呼吸药水 英文:Potion of Water Breathing 188水之召唤 萨满祭司 药剂 1—2的2
共鸣药水(Potion of Empathy):此药水让饮用者在目光接触时准确感知对方情绪。 F:火焰之息药水(Potion of Fire-Breathing):此药水让饮用者像巨龙那边喷出火焰吐息,但只能喷一次。火焰之息呈圆锥形,长24码,最宽处达8码。 火行药水(Potion of Fire-Walking):此药水使饮用者免疫正常火焰伤害。他们可以走过火墙,捡起...
potion of healing:治疗药水potion of strength:强效药水potion of resistance:抗性药水potion of flight:飞行药水potion of water breathing:水下呼吸药水potion of invulnerability:无敌药水以上是贝语网校http://www.beiyuwangxiao.com小编为您整理的potion单词相关内容。
How to make a Splash Potion of Water Breathing (8:00/6:00) How to make a Splash Potion of Weakness (1:30/1:07) How to make a Splash Potion of Weakness (4:00/3:00) How to Use a Splash Potion on Another Mob Once you have crafted asplash potion, select the splash potion in yo...
ORPotion of Water Breathing + Fermented Spider Eye Regeneration Gives Regeneration, healing hearts over time Brew:Awkward Potion + Ghast Tear Strength Deal increased melee damage Brew:Awkward Potion + Blaze Powder Weakness Deal decreased melee damage ...
英文名著动画《柳林风声》73 Water Rat 水鼠 英文名著动画《柳林风声》72 Stupid Toad 笨蛋蟾蜍 英文名著动画《柳林风声》71 In the Mud 掉进泥里 名著动画《柳林风声》70 On the Road Again 重新上路 英文名著动画《柳林风声》69 ...
WATER_BREATHING public static finalPotionEffectTypeWATER_BREATHING Allows breathing underwater. INVISIBILITY public static finalPotionEffectTypeINVISIBILITY Grants invisibility. BLINDNESS public static finalPotionEffectTypeBLINDNESS Blinds an entity. NIGHT_VISION ...