Potion of Vitality Source: Dungeon Master's Guide Potion, very rare When you drink this potion, it removes any exhaustion you are suffering and cures any disease or poison affecting you. For the next 24 hours, you regain the maximum number of hit points for any Hit Die you spend. The ...
The Common House Rule Involving Potions That Most Players Use In DnD 5E Image via Wizards of the Coast It’s acommon house rule in D&D 5E for drinking a potion to be a Bonus Action when used on yourself. This means that the character can still perform a regular Action that turn, such ...
It would be well within reason to disallow this on account of the difficulty of imbibing while actively engaged in combat. Alternatively, the DM requiring an appropriately high sleight-of-hand or other Dexterity based ability check to accomplish the act would apply the game's basic m...