This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a Potion of Invisibility (8:00) with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, you can brew a Potion of Invisibility (8:00) that is extended to last longer than a regular Potion of Invisibility
You can also use console commands if you have cheats enabled. If you’re using the Java Edition, enter the following command in the chat window to get a Potion of Weakness: /give @p potion{Potion:"minecraft:weakness"} 1 give: This is the main command. @p: This refers to the nearest...
@Override public String getArmorTexture(ItemStack stack, Entity entity, int slot, int layer) { if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer) { EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) entity; if (player.isPotionActive(Potion.invisibility)) return "/textures/armor/invisible.png"; } // If the helmet slot,...
This Give Potion Generator creates the Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) command you can use to give a player a custom potion with names and lore. When you have finished customizing your potion, click on the Generate Command button and then copy/paste the
Potion List: speed, jump boost, strength, regeneration, fire resistance, turtle master, invisibility, slow falling, night vision, and water breathing. Amulets Magic Amulet - dropped by endermen - teleports all items to you Nature Amulet - dropped by endermen and stray - gives speed on grass...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a Splash Potion of Invisibility (8:00/6:00) with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, you can brew a Splash Potion of Invisibility (8:00/6:00) that is extended to last longer than a regula
/give @p splash_potion[potion_contents={potion:"invisibility"}] 1 In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19 and 1.20, the /give command for Splash Potion of Invisibility (3:00/2:15) is: /give @p splash_potion{Potion:"minecraft:invisibility"} 1 In...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a Potion of Night Vision (3:00) with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, you can brew a Potion of Night Vision (3:00) and add it to your inventory. When this potion is drank, it will give