If they just want to make them to sell, then they need to understand the reality of the situation that healing potions are not their only method of making money, and that if they want to make money at it then it needs to be their full-time job in-game. #...
这种药水看起来、闻起来和尝起来都和治疗药水potion of healing 或其他增益药水差不多。但实际上,它是用幻术伪装过的毒药。鉴定术identify可以发现它的本质。 饮用此药水后,你受到3d6的毒素伤害并且必须成功通过一次DC13的体质豁免否则中毒。中毒期间每次你的回合开始时,你受到3d6的毒素伤害。每次你的回合结束时你可...
For the next 24 hours, you regain the maximum number of Hit Points for any Hit Point Die you spend. This potion’s crimson liquid regularly pulses with dull light, calling to mind a heartbeat. Notes: Cures Disease, Removes Poison, Max HP from Hit Dice, Healing, Consumable...
as they can get small amounts of healing back in exchange for minor actions. This house rule is beneficial for smaller groups and groups without any dedicated healer characters, as the party has more avenues for health restoration in the middle of combat when they really need it....