To brew a Potion of Night Vision, gather the required ingredients and follow the recipe below: Ingredients required: 1 Water Bottle 1 Nether Wart 1 Golden Carrot Tools required for the brewing process: Brewing Stand Blaze Powder 1– Make a Water Bottle To make aWater Bottle, craft a Glass ...
Potion of Weakness:As mentioned above, the Potion of Weakness is the one exception to the rule about brewing potions. Instead of using a Nether Wart on the Water Bottle, you'llfirst use a Fermented Spider Eye.This will make all the Water Bottles become Potions of Weakness. This recipe is ...
The Gills Potion is a buff potion which grants the Gills buff when consumed. The buff allows the player to breathe underwater, preventing them from drowning. This lasts for 4 minutes / 2 minutes, but can be canceled at any time by right-clicking the icon
ItemStack resultStack = BrewingRecipeRegistry.getOutput(potionStack, ingredientStack); if(resultStack.isEmpty() || resultStack.getItem() != Items.POTIONITEM) return null; //if no recipe matches, or output is not a simple potion, return null PotionType resultingType = PotionUtils.getPotionFrom...
this.input = recipe; this.wantedPotion = baseEffect.getPotion(); this.lengthAugment = lengthAugment; this.powerAugment = powerAugment; } 代码示例来源:origin: WayofTime/BloodMagic @Override public boolean isPotionApplicable(PotionEffect effect) { Potion potion = effect.getPotion(); //Specter can...
If you want Potion Capsule to recognize the potion item from other mods, simply add a new recipe in your datapack with the type of potioncapsule:capsule_attachment and properly set the entries in it, for more details, look athow the mod does it. ...
As for the glass blocks, you can get them by heating sand blocks in a furnace. The recipe for the glass bottle is as follows: You need to place one glass block in themiddle cell of the lowermost rowof the crafting area. Then, place two more glass blocks onboth side cells of the se...
returnnull;//if no recipe matches, or output is not a simple potion, return null PotionTyperesultingType=PotionUtils.getPotionFromItem(resultStack); if(resultingType==null||resultingType==PotionTypes.EMPTY) returnnull;//if output is not a simple potion or empty potion, return null ...
All the recipes should show up in the crafting menu. Potion Rings Empty Ring Recipe Combine with anymax upgradedpotion and it gets added to the ring Potion List: speed, jump boost, strength, regeneration, fire resistance, turtle master, invisibility, slow falling, night vision, and water breat...
Invisibility Potion Recipe in Minecraft To brew a Potion of Invisibility in Minecraft, use a brewing stand to combine a Potion of Night Vision and a Fermented Spider Eye. To craft a Potion of Night Vision, you'll need Blaze Powder, 1 Nether Wart, 1 Golden Carrot, and 1 Water Bottle. ...