findings, it is likely that the interfacial electric field has negligible impact on the IMOC pathway. Because the rate-determining O-O bond formation step is a chemical step, we expect the principal activation barrier of the IMOC pathway to be independent of the electrode potential. By contrast,...
Photochemical isomerization in the ab- sence of a potential barrier: origin of wavelength-dependent ground-state recovery kinetics. Chem Phys Lett, 1991, 185(5-6): 461 ~ 467Aberg U,Sundstrom V. Photochemical isomerization in the absence of a potential barrier: Origin of wavelength-dependent ...
However, this potential well escape phenomenon occurs only when the kinetic energy of the system is large enough to surmount the potential barrier between the two wells. For this reason, many theoretical and experimental studies have been devoted to the performance evaluation of BEHs under various ...
It indeed mainly depends upon proton tunneling through the activation barrier. Procedures for estimating this factor, and accordingly, the H/D kinetic isotope effect are described.doi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2005.12.027Cyrille CostentinMarc Robert
While the features of the potential are not directly observable, they can be illuminated by the statistics of measurable transitions from a zero-voltage state through a bias sweep that progressively tilts the potential and thereby lowers the potential barrier until the system makes the transition [3...