These resultssuggestthehighpotentialin usinggreen teaextractsasameansofenhancingfreshnessandqualityin cooledmeats. 说明适当浓度的绿茶提取物可作为保鲜剂用于肉制品的贮藏中。 4. Ourinitialfindingsseem to show thatpeoplevaluehighpotentialmorethanhighachievement. ...
"There are a lot of things that nature can do, and we need to make sure that we value this property," Berglof said. "I think the trade-off between growth and addressing climate change is overplayed. If you want to achieve growth and improve innovation, a lot of the innovation in the...
"There are a lot of things that nature can do, and we need to make sure that we value this property," Berglof said. "I think the trade-off between growth and addressing climate change is overplayed. If you want to achieve growth and improve innovation, a lot of the innovation in the...
A smaller IVS value means the inter-annual variation of model is in line with the observation. The observed daily gridded dataset CN05.1 (hereinafter referred to as CN05) at 0.25° for China for the 1961-2014 period is firstly collected from the China Meteorological Administration. CN05 is ...
Ecological Role and Potential Value of Sponges to Torres Strait Summary Sponges are a dominant organism on coral reefs throughout Torres Strait and elsewhere have been shown to play an important ecological role by acting as a nursery or recruitment habitat for other species of economic importance. ...
2b and “Methods” section), which is a commonly used threshold value for moderate earthquake shaking in several engineering applications, including seismic design aimed at life-safety performance34,35,36. These calculations incorporate a magnitude-dependent delay interval that captures the time taken ...
"There are a lot of things that nature can do, and we need to make sure that we value this property," Berglof said. "I think the trade-off between growth and addressing climate change is overplayed. If you want to achieve growth and improve innovation, a lot of the innovation in the...
A capital gain is the increase in value of acapital assetwhen it is sold. Whenever you sell an asset for more than what you originally paid for it, the difference between those two prices is the capital gain. Lots of different types of assets that you might own are capital assets, inclu...
The Changing Rate of Loss of Value Notice the effect of time on the position. As time passes, the value of the option slowly decays. Notice also that this effect is not linear. When there is still plenty of time until expiration, only a little bit is lost each day due to the effect...
ThresholdTypeEnums.EDIT_DISTANCE Refer to Levenshtein distance algorithm, must be integer, lower value means more similar ThresholdTypeEnums.SIMILARITY l = max(input.length, matchItem.length), similarity = (l - editDistance) / l, number from 0 to 1, higher value means more similar trimSpaces...