In the case of brittle failure of a rock mass, the depth of strainbursting could also find meaning as a failure criterion. Kaiser (2020) stated that although the depth of strainbursting is difficult to predict and quantify, it can be expected at locations of stress raisers, normally at the...
The physical meaning of a theoretical term relies, primarily, ontheoretical grounds: a theoretical term has physical meaning if it cannot bewithdrawn without reducing the predictive power of a theory or, in a weakersense, if it cannot be withdrawn without reducing the descriptive proficiencyof a ...
Primed words were preceded by spoken words having a related meaning, while unprimed words were preceded by nonassociated spoken words. For normal controls, the unprimed words elicited greater N400 amplitudes at frontal-central recording sites than primed words. Primed vs. unprimed N400 differences were...
antimicrobial coatings.In the past,the biggest drivers for smart anti-microbials have been healthcare-acquired infections(HAIs)and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.Covid-19 has broadened the demand and also given prominence to the role of"smart coatings,"meaning the ones with the greatest functionality....
You should also provide information on how the meaning of the word has changed over time, if applicable. My first request is "I want to trace the origins of the word 'pizza'." Act as a Commentariat Contributed by: @devisasari I want you to act as a commentariat. I will provide you ...
,9(meaning here that tipping one system makes tipping of another more likely10). For all these reasons, an improved observational and modelling framework to sense where and when climate tipping points can be triggered, and how tipping systems interact, could have considerable societal value. ...
While in CENT only the error with respect to the DFT energies is minimized, the atomic charges obtained during the charge equilibration process serve merely as intermediate quantities, which do not have a strict physical meaning. In the 4G-HDNNP proposed in this work, the charges are trained...
Under electron microscope, this single stranded RNA virus showed spherical shape with spike-like projections on surface similar to crowns, and named after the Latin meaning of corona (Barcena et al., 2009). Its molecular arrangement consists of 5′ and 3′ untranslated region (UTR), nonstructura...
Effort is one of those things that gives meaning to life. Effort means you care about something, that something is important to you and you are willing to work for it. —Carol S. Dweck 197 If the feelings are mutual, the effort will be equal. ...
family tensions and limited opportunities to solve a challenging situation. In the face of such conditions, the health function of tourism has gained a new meaning, understood not only as regeneration after illness but also as restoring energy used up in everyday work and eliminating fatigue caused...