72% and 89% grain, respectively (Fig.1a). Further analysis on these diet-dependent genes using DAVID (Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery) showed different functional annotation clusters (Additional file1worksheet 2). For example, the enriched gene ontologies for 43 genes...
harmfulchemicalsandthuspreventtheirreleaseinto theatmosphere •directingmoreresourcesintodevelopingalternativeenergysourcesthatdonotharmtheenvironment. Acidraincanhaveadramaticimpactontheenvironment. ©JohnWiley&SonsAustralia,Ltd2004 2005-01-rain-acid.pdf(Page2of2) Usetheinformationinthisworksheetandinthesources...
In the worksheet, the leftmost column has the name of the actors, the top row is a time series axis, and the squares in the diagram represent the event which is defined as an actor or action. Based on the investigation result of the "4-24" major roof accident, it can be found that...