At large distances the potential energy curves have two minima with the one of lower energy at the chlorine atom; this is a characteristic of hydrogen bonding. At short distance the potential energy curve has one minimum at the nitrogen atom indicating the formation of the NH 4Cl molecule....
Self‐Consistent‐Field Wavefunctions and Computed Potential‐Energy Curves for the NH3 and NH Molecules, in One‐Center Approximation The molecular orbitals were expanded in terms of symmetry adapted Slater‐type orbitals centered at the heavy nucleus. To obtain the potential‐energy curve... Bhair...
Mn, Cu, or Cd, the structure consists of alternating corner-shared octahedral (MX6)2−units (as exemplified by the [NH3(CH2)5NH3]MnCl4crystal shown in Fig.1a). The organic and inorganic layers form infinite 2D structures, connected by N − H∙∙∙Cl hydrogen bonds. In ...
Summary Standard potentials of the Ag−AgCl electrode in glycerol have been determined by a polynomial curve-fitting program from e.m.f. measurements of cells of the type Pt; H2 (g, 1 atm) |HCl (m), glycerol| AgCl, Ag, at nine different temperatures in the range 5 to 45°C. The...
[54] proposed that the driving force for the ionic interaction of sulfate ions with chitosan is the decrease of Gibbs free energy (οG = οH TοS). The authors showed that the enthalpic component (οH) is due to formation of crosslinking segments, the result of electrostatic interact...
Fig. 13, photon energy was more effectively taken in at longer wavelengths from the bottom cell with a lower band gap and shorter wavelengths from the top cell with a higher band gap, resulting in the generation of current at a wide range of frequencies. At wavelengths up to 729 nm ...
Quantitation was carried out using the multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode at m/z 407.5 → 407.5 (collision energy (CE) of 20 eV; negative ion mode) for MT921 and m/z 391.3 → 391.3 (CE of 25 eV; negative ion mode) for IS. The analytical data was processed by...
This systematic review aims to (1) assess the results of social media-based interventions on weight, BMI, waist measurement, body fat composition, energy consumption, and physical activity among adults with obesity or overweight and (2) explore potential influencing factors affecting treatment outcome...
Apart from water transport they are involved in gaseous exchange such as O2 and CO2; transportation of small solutes like urea, glycerol, NH3; mobilization of micronutrients including silicon (Si), boron (B) or reactive oxygen species (ROS) on one hand and cell to cell adhesion on the other...
The conformation of1–10with minimized energy. The arrows show the key NOESY correlations. Full size image Compound2was isolated as a white solid. The molecular formula of2was determined to be C20H30O4on the basis of HRESIMS atm/z357.2034 [M + Na]+, with six degrees of unsaturation...