Energy is the capacity to do work. ... The unit of energy is J (Joule) which is also kg m2/s2 (kilogram meter squared per second squared)
potential energy 势能 kinetic energy 动能 当球抛向高空时、球具有动能、当球向上飞行到顶点时、球的动能就会转化为重力势能、当球向下落时、球的重力势能就会转化为动能、当球刚刚接触地面时、动能就会转化为重力势能、当球接触地面被压扁时、重力势能就会转化为弹性势能、当球从地面弹起的候、弹性势能...
PotentialEnergyPotentialEnergy andKineticEnergyandKineticEnergy Howisallenergydivided?Howisallenergydivided? Potential Energy Kinetic Energy AllEnergy Gravitational Potential Energy Elastic Potential Energy Chemical Potential Energy WhatisPotentialEnergy?WhatisPotentialEnergy? ooEnergythatisstoredEnergythatisstored and...
Kineticenergyandpotentialenergy 4.1能量—另一个守恒量 (Energy—anotherconservativephysicalquantity) 力学(Mechanics) 4.1能量—另一个守恒量 人类认识能量和能量守恒定律的过程: 经典物理学时代: 伽利略:在做功中省力不省功; 牛顿时代:运动物体具有某种功效:如运动的子弹可穿入木板; 1686年,莱布尼茨提出:物体“运动的...
网络energyKinetic energy and potential energy 双语例句 1. The sum of kinetic energy and potential energy doesn´t change. 动能和势能,总和没有改变。 —— 给力词典精选 2. In many example of mechanical motion, there is an interchange between kinetic and potential energies. ...
Kinetic energy vs. Potential energy Energy is the ability to do work. Objects can have stored, or potential, energy when work has been done (such as raising an object in the air) or by virtue of their position (such as sitting at the top of a hill). Potential energy changes to ...
Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy(1)Kinetic Energy Energy can exist in many forms: heat, light, nuclear energy, chemical energy (from food or fuel), stored (potential) energy (such as the energy stored in a compressed spring) and so on. Energy can be transferred from one form to ...
Kineticenergyandpotentialenergy 4.1能量—另一个守恒量 (Energy—anotherconservativephysicalquantity)2009年11月18日8:00-9:50 4.1能量--另一个守恒量 1 4.1能量—另一个守恒量 人类认识能量和能量守恒定律的过程:经典物理学时代:伽利略:在做功中省力不省功;牛顿时代:运动物体具有某种功效:如...
1.PotentialEnergy(PE)•theenergythatanobjecthasbecauseofitsposition,shapeorcondition.PotentialEnergyofPosition •PEdependsonanobjectsmass,height,andtheaccelerationduetogravity.PE=mgh KindsofPotentialEnergy •PotentialEnergyofPosition(GravitationalPE)–Figure11,page392:theapplehaspotentialenergythatresultsfrom...