现代化国际大都市城市管理的本质,是对人的服务。 世博会上各个国家和城市的案例所表现的城市管理理念, 都强调城市各项发展的立足点需要满足人的需求,只有满 足人的需求的城市管理,才能让城市生活更美好。以往城 市管理简单地追求城市设施完好与空间环境的有序,而缺 ...
Potential Pitfalls in Relation to Safety Initiatives and other Aspects of Cultural FailureOrganisation cultureProcessesHazard typesTarget ZeroPaths to failureSafety has become one of the main drivers in many organisations and particularly in high consequence industries where getting it wrong once can be ...
Summary of solid waste management issues shown using the drivers-pressures-state-impacts-responses (DPSIR) Potential benefits of managing landfills basing on safety health environmental quality (SHEQ) management systems in Zimbabwe Conclusion Recommendations on how to introduce SHEQ management systems in lan...
The Heritage Foundation, founded in 1973, advocated for pro-business policies and anti-communism in its early years, but distinguished itself from the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) by also advocating for cultural issues that were important to Christian conservatives. Among the 2,000 Heritage pr...
These issues included privacy and confidentiality, the potential to cause distress (e.g., if contacting patients who had a recent cancer diagnosis or who had passed away), cultural safety and addressing inequities. Under the New Zealand Privacy Act (2020) and associated Health Information Privacy ...
Our focus on nature-immersion, cultural visits, and relationship-building, alongside a range of micro credentials such as water safety, forestry management, bee keeping, and first aid, are part of a complex curriculum that fosters students’ global knowledge and development of modern skillsrequiredfo...
Lack of confidence and public concern regarding additives is not only a Chinese issue and it is garnering significant attention in many jurisdictions where the existence of a communication gap between experts and the general public regarding food safety-related issues has been highlighted by several ...
While traditional methods may hold cultural significance and, in some cases, demonstrate sustainability, they often lack the efficiency and scalability required to feed a rapidly growing population in an era of climate uncertainty. As such, the need to transition toward more advanced and technology-...
This study mainly centers on the technical perspective of DAO by exploring only its technological mechanisms, characteristics, and applications without encompassing broader socio-technical implications such as social, cultural, political, and economic factors that could potentially shape the DAO integration ...
policies on fishing safety. fao.org fao.org 审议了每项研究来确定支持或反驳有关渔业管理政策对捕捞安全 潜在影响的四个假设中的一个或多个假设。 fao.org fao.org The scope of the DESD is broad anditspotential effectsarefar-reaching. unesdoc.unesco.org ...