The Project would also need to address the sources of stigma in the communities, remodel PrEP access clinics and re-train health care providers on confidentiality.M. AlegreJ. IriarteM. ManriqueCeladaA. HuarteV. VanaclochaJ. ArtiedaControlling the Hiv Epidemic with Antiretrovirals...
Auditory brainstem response represents the neural activity associated with the auditory brainstem function in response to a sound stimulus. Many protocols for early detection of hearing loss in infants and toddlers incorporate the acquisition of the auditory brainstem response, since it provides information...
Potenciales evocados auditivos y alcohol: características del componente mismatch negativity en el alcoholismo. - Revista de NeurologíaSanchez-Turet, M., y Serra-Grabulosa, J.M. (2002). Potenciales evocados auditivos y alcohol: caracteristicas del componente mismatch negativity en el ...
Electroaudiometría con potenciales evocados auditivos en pacientes sordociegosauditory evoked potentialsdeafblind patientsDeafblindness is a unique disability characterized by multisensory deprivation of auditory and visual systems. Most of deafblind patients have sensory residuary capacities that may become ...
ESTIMACIN DE POTENCIALES EVOCADOS AUDITIVOS DEL TRONCO CEREBRAL MEDIANTE DESCOMPOSICIN MODAL EMPRICA - Estimation of brainstem auditory evoked potentials by empirical mode decompositiondoi:10.24050/19099762.N3.2008.40Carolina Posada ZuluagaRubén C. Acevedo...
Fiabilidad de los potenciales evocados auditivos de estado estable en la fase diagnóstica del cribado neonatal universal de la hipoacusiaAuditory steady-state responseAuditory brainstem responseChildhood hearing lossSensorineural hearing lossConventional audiometry is the gold standard for quantifying and ...
Influencia de la posición del electrodo de referencia en los potenciales evocados auditivos de tronco encefáliconarrativeIdentityRefugeesTransnationalismboundarieschildrenKenyaKakumaChildren in the world today face challenges of self definition due to the global forces that assail them. Refugee children are...
La adaptacion audioprotesica pediatrica precoz a partir de reg- istros de potenciales evocados auditivos de estado estable. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2006;57:388---93.Zenker Castro F, Fernandez Belda R, Barajas de Prat JJ. La adap- tacion audioprotesica pediatrica precoz a partir de ...
La audiometría por vía ósea mediante potenciales evocados auditivos de estado estable a multifrecuencia : estudio en sujetos normooyentesbone conduction audiometrymultiple auditory steady state responsesacoustic stimuliHere we examine the clinical usefulness of multiple auditory steady state responses...
Valoración de la audición residual en pacientes postimplante coclear mediante audiometría y potenciales evocados auditivos de estado estableHipoacusiaAudición residualImplante coclearAudiometríaResidual hearing is considered a prognostic factor in patients with cochlear implants. Objective determination of...