Genetic purity is less of an issue in vegetatively—than in sexually—propagated crops. One substantial disadvantage of vegetative propagation though is that diseases are easily transmitted across clonal generations during propagation; another is that potato planting material is bulky and perishable by na...
These are RNA viruses that are single stranded and positive sense. Virus replication takes place in the cytoplasm. Transmission generally takes place by contact or mechanical means.There is only one known potato virus in this genus: Cucumber Mosaic Virus....
This chapter discusses the major potato diseases worldwide: late blight, early blight, wart, and powdery scab. Late blight, caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, continues to be the main biotic constraint of potato production. Annual losses have
Vegetative PropagationReplanting couldn’t be easier. When harvesting, remove one bulb from the nest and replant. It is best not to plant in the same place for too long. I maintain a perennial patch of potato onions in the same place for three or four years and then relocate....
Further propagation of all 10 cultivars was done with the medium that proved to be the most productive. Meristem excision. Two meristem types were excised using a binocular microscope; apical and axillary meristems. The apical meristems were excised by trimming the top leaves until the ...
A method for increasing the efficiency of in vitro vegetative propagation of potato, characterized in that the crops with roots that have grown in liquid media can be propagated entirely dividing them into pieces and shoots shoots having roots....
These rooted shoots are cut to provide pieces with roots and pieces without roots and the latter pieces are separated from the former to produce two batches. Each batch is further separately cultured in liquid or gel medium.MOLNAR GYOERGYFOEGLEIN FERENC...
These rooted shoots are cut to provide pieces with roots and pieces without roots and the latter pieces are separated from the former to produce two batches. Each batch is further separately cultured in liquid or gel medium.GYORGY MOLNARFERENC FOGLEIN...