Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Taiping, which stands at $37, Potato Hotel is a steal. You can enjoy all the modern amenities and impeccable service without breaking the bank. Whether you are a solo traveler on a tight budget or a family looking for an affordable getawa...
自1992年以来,号称全球最好吃的薯条终于来到槟城啦!🔥 全球拥有1800多家分店的Potato Corner🍟 就在槟城开张啦~🎉 快来品尝他们最畅销的Mega Fries(一盒2种口味)和更多美食吧! 📍 Potato Co - 大马吃货于20240702发布在抖音,已经收获了437.2万个喜欢,来抖