Mean blood pressure was calculated from 2 or 3, consecutive, brachial blood pressure readings. Before measurement, maximum inflation level was determined and participants rested quietly in a seated position for 5 minutes. A calibrated mercury sphygmomanometer with the cuff appropriate for the participan...
During the trial period, serum potassium concentration was monitored by point-of-care and formal laboratory blood tests, according to local practice. The route of potassium supplementation was chosen according to established local clinical practices. All other treatments, including intravenous magnesium and...
Another Kv7.2/3 activator, BHV-7000, has completed phase I studies in healthy subjects, with excellent tolerability at plasma drug concentrations that exceed the median effective concentrations in a preclinical model of anticonvulsant activity, but no efficacy data in patients with epilepsy are availabl...
2.2 Blood pressure BP measurement occurred in the NHANES mobile examination center, a clinic-type setting with a standardized, controlled environment. Three SBP readings were obtained for each NHANES participant. If one or more of these readings were disrupted, a fourth reading was obtained. Mean...
Baseline fluorescence value for each well was set to the mean of 3 readings before addition of stimulus buffer. Each F value was normalized to the mean initial baseline value. The effect of inhibitors on K+ channel activation by E. histolytica was quantified by the difference in the area ...
several laboratory tests, including serum potassium, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB), and creatine kinase (CK) levels, arterial blood gas results, and troponin as a biomarker of cardiac injury. The laboratory data were obtained from the electronic medical record...
blood pressure (BP) among the cohort. BP was measured in triplicate and 24 h urine was collected for the determination of urinary sodium (Na), potassium (K), creatinine (Cr) and iodine levels. Hypertension prevalence was 44.3%. Median salt intake was 8.3 g/day, higher in women ...