Mean blood pressure was calculated from 2 or 3, consecutive, brachial blood pressure readings. Before measurement, maximum inflation level was determined and participants rested quietly in a seated position for 5 minutes. A calibrated mercury sphygmomanometer with the cuff appropriate for the participan...
(calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); waist circumference; serum magnesium, calcium, and creatinine levels; physical activity level; parental history of DM; presence of hypertension; average of systolic blood pressure readings from second and third measurements; ...
Along with laboratory samples, ECGs were performed simultaneously by trained research assistant nurses. No hyperkalemia therapy was administered before the conduction of the ECG and blood sample drawing. After that, all the initial ECGs were read and interpreted independently by two experienced faculty p...
Baseline fluorescence value for each well was set to the mean of 3 readings before addition of stimulus buffer. Each F value was normalized to the mean initial baseline value. The effect of inhibitors on K+ channel activation by E. histolytica was quantified by the difference in the area ...
costal margin and the iliac crest during expiration. Blood pressure was measured in triplicate, after a 10 min rest, using fully automatic Omron blood pressure monitor (Omron RX Classic II, Kyoto, Japan). The first reading was discarded and the mean of the second and third readings was ...
In order to verify the suitability of the proposed materials as the ion-to-electron transducers, the measurements of potential stability for the tested electrodes were performed in the following fashion. The potential readings were carried out in 10−1mol L−1potassium chloride solution for 67 ...
In recent decades, the use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) has become widespread, since it has been recognized as a better predictor of major cardiovascular events than BP measurements in clinical settings. It helps to reduce the number of possible false readings and has the additi...
This could lead to inconsistent readings and false negative results [7]. Furthermore, common clinical problems with whole blood assays such as hemolysis or coagulation could also result in an inaccurate representation of the analyte concentration [8]. An alternate strategy would be to eliminate the...