别名:碘化钾/灰碘/Potassium iodide 产地:美国SIGMA 品牌:SIGMA和国药 包装规格:100mg 货号:碘化钾/灰碘/Potassium iodide 我们提供的分析标准品,是用于色谱法(HPLC、GPC、GC)、 电泳法、 显微学 、分光光度法、滴定法 和 物理性质测试等方法的分析检测,涵盖了痕量和残留分析用标准品(农/兽药残留标准品等)、石化...
碘化钾 价格: ¥80/瓶 产品详情:订货方式:包装,规格,价格填写在屏幕下方的在线询盘框里,半小时内给您回复试剂化学性质及用途等信息可向客服询问。上海一基实... 碘化钾 Potassium iodide相关供应商报价 更多> 产品标题 价格 产地 公司名称 更新日期 碘化钾 CAS:7681-11-0 100g 98% 国华试... ¥151/瓶...
Potassium iodide [JAN] Potassium monoiodide Potassium salt of hydriodic acid Potide Thyro-Block Thyroblock Thyroblock (TN) Tripotassium triiodide Properties Boiling Point:K °C °F Flammability: Explosive Limits: Lower Explosive Limit:0% Upper Explosive Limit:0% ...
Potassium Iodide (K(I3)) Properties Boiling Point:K °C °F Flammability: Explosive Limits: Lower Explosive Limit:0% Upper Explosive Limit:0% Flammable Limits: Lower Flammable Limit:0% Upper Flammable Limit:0% Flash Point K °C °F
Brand and Other Names:Pima Syrup, SSKI, iosat, ThyroSafe, ThyroShield Drug Class:Antidotes, Other; Antithyroid Agents; Expectorants What is potassium iodide, and what is it used for? Potassium iodide is an oral medication that has been used for a long time as an expectorant to break upmu...
Noun1.potassium chloride- salt of potassium (KCl) (trade names K-Dur 20, Kaochlor and K-lor and Klorvess and K-lyte); taken in tablet form to treat potassium deficiency Kaochlor,K-Dur 20,K-lor,Klorvess,K-lyte,potash muriate,potassium muriate ...
USEPA/OPP Pesticide Code 068301; Trade Names: Kromad, component of (with 012903 and 078901).FORMERLY AN INGREDIENT OF KROMA-CLOR & ULTRA-CHLOR.SEE KROMAD. KROMAD: CADMIUM SEBACATE, 5%; POTASSIUM CHROMATE, 5%; THIRAM, 16%. /KROMAD/Grades or Purity: Reagent, 99%; CP; Technical.NATURAL ...
Also used in the hypotonic KCl-propidium iodide protocol for univariate analysis of metaphase chromosomes ; dissociation of eukaryotic ribosomes into subunits by high concentrations of potassium (0.3-1.0 M); preparation of mitochondria, provides an ionic osmotic support for those tissues that assume a...
potassium chloride - salt of potassium (KCl) (trade names K-Dur 20, Kaochlor and K-lor and Klorvess and K-lyte); taken in tablet form to treat potassium deficiency Kaochlor, K-Dur 20, K-lor, Klorvess, K-lyte, potash muriate, potassium muriate brand, brand name, marque, trade name...
名称:碘化钾,Potassium iodide,AR|7681-11-0 英文名:Potassium iodide Cas号:7681-11-0 分子式:IK=166 产品纯度:98% 规格:100g 2.化学性质:化学试剂->通用试剂 3.订货信息: 中国区产品服务中心营业时间为周一至周五8:30---17:30 4、公司的售后服务: ...