THE following form of this experiment differs from that producing blue iodide of starch usually given in text books, and as I am not aware of it being known it may be of interest to those engaged in teaching the subject to which it belongs.doi:10.1038/040417a0MONDYE. FNatureNature...
Potassium iodate is formed (1) by electrolysis of potassium iodide under proper conditions, (2) by reaction of iodine and potassium hydroxide solution, and the fractional crystallization of iodate from iodide. Used as a source of iodate and iodic acid. 3.6 Purification Methods It has been crystal...
(Elements & Compounds) a white deliquescent alkaline solid used in the manufacture of soap, liquid shampoos, and detergents. Formula: KOH. Also called:caustic potashSee alsolye Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998,...
hydroxide (also called causticpotash), which readily absorbs moisture and is employed in making liquid soaps and detergents and in preparing many potassiumsalts. Reaction ofiodineand potassium hydroxide producespotassium iodide, KI, which is added to table salt and animalfeedto protect againstiodine ...
potassium iodate: A white crystallinesolid, KIO3, soluble in waterand insoluble in ethanol; monoclinic;r.d. 3.9; m.p. 560°C. It may be preparedby the reaction of iodine withhot concentrated potassium hydroxideor by careful electrolysis ofpotassium iodide solution. It is anoxidizing agent and...
silver iodide, strontium iodide, thallous chloride, and zinc fluoride [Mellor 2, Supp. 3:1571. 1963]. A mixture of potassium and any of the following compounds may explode on impact: boric acid, copper oxychloride, lead oxychloride, lead peroxide, lead sulfate, silver iodate, sodium iodate, ...
Also used in the hypotonic KCl-propidium iodide protocol for univariate analysis of metaphase chromosomes ; dissociation of eukaryotic ribosomes into subunits by high concentrations of potassium (0.3-1.0 M); preparation of mitochondria, provides an ionic osmotic support for those tissues that assume a...
16.Experimental Study on Effects of Potassium Iodate and Potassium Iodide in Different Dosage on Male Reproductive System of Iodine Deficiency Rat;低碘大鼠补充不同剂量碘酸钾和碘化钾对雄性生殖系统影响的实验研究 17.Results: The best formulae was that proportion of iodine to potassium iodide was 1:0.6...
Molecular Formula K Molar Mass 39.1 Density 0.86 g/mL at 25 °C (lit.) Melting Point 64 °C (lit.) Boling Point 760 °C (lit.) Water Solubility reacts Solubility H2O: soluble Vapor Presure 0.09 mm Hg ( 260 °C) Appearance rod Specific Gravity 0.86 Color Silver/gray Odor Odorless ...
17.Results: The best formulae was that proportion of iodine to potassium iodide was 1:0.6 .alcoholic concentration 76%.结果:最优处方为碘与碘化钾比例1:0.6,乙醇浓度为76%。 18.Chemical analysis of tin--The potassium iodide photometric method for determination of bismuthGB/T3260.3-1982锡化学分析方...