Bioinformatic comparison of protein inter-atomic interactions between native, Cryo-EM, and QTY variant structures.Hydrogenbonds (HBO),polar contacts (PLR),ionicinteractions (ION),aromatic contacts (ARO),hydrophobic contacts (HDP),vanderWaals interactions (VDW), andvan der Waalsclashes (VCL). HBO are...
The crosslinking reaction occurred at a higher rate in a polar solvent, such as dimethylformamide, than in a nonpolar one, such as toluene, and was affected by the nature of the chlorine-containing polymer. Some of the polymers crosslinked even at room temperature. The chain-extending reaction...
At T>T+, this crystal hydrate exists as a nonpolar polymorph (space symmetry group P21212), and, at T<T+, as a polar polymorph(space group P21). PSTT, however, differs from all the known polymorphic crystals. It returns to the nonpolar state when cooled to the lower temperature T =...
State whether the following statement is true or false: Osmotic gradients of sodium, potassium or chloride have little effect on the movement of water. Determine if the following is true or false and explain: Osmotic gradients of sodium, potassium or...
The crosslinking reaction occurred at a higher rate in a polar solvent, such as dimethylformamide, than in a nonpolar one, such as toluene, and was affected by the nature of the chlorine-containing polymer. Some of the polymers crosslinked even at room temperature. The chain-extending reactio...