不溶于乙醇。 水溶解性:340 g/L (20 ºC) 氯化钾详细介绍: 中文名称:氯化钾 中文别名:氯化钾;氯化钾(精制);氯化钾(食用);氯化钾,标准液;超干氯化钾;氯化钾 (医药级);氯化钾(农用);氯化钾(药用);工业氯化钾;食用氯化钾;金属钾盐酸盐;氯化钾 GMP;氯化钾[用于一般有机合成];Potassium Chloride 氯化钾...
中文名称:Potassium chloride 英文名称:Potassium chloride EINECS:231-211-8 中文同义名: Conductance standard solution KAPPA 11.67 mS/cm (20罜); 氯化钾(精制); 氯化钾(食用); 氯化钾,标准液; 氯化钾; 超干氯化钾; 氯化钾 (医药级); 氯化钾(药用); 英文同义名: Chlorid draselny; chloriddraselny; ...
Common sources of this fertilizer is langbeinite (K2SO4.2MgSO4) with a grade of about 0-0-21-10 Mg-21S. It is used by growers for a chloride-free, potassium-rich fertilizer. Its use does not alter soil acidity. It a water-soluble, crystalline fertilizer but not as soluble as KCl or...
Noun1.potassium chloride- salt of potassium (KCl) (trade names K-Dur 20, Kaochlor and K-lor and Klorvess and K-lyte); taken in tablet form to treat potassium deficiency Kaochlor,K-Dur 20,K-lor,Klorvess,K-lyte,potash muriate,potassium muriate ...
Parenterally, rapid injection of strong potassium chloride solutions can cause cardiac arrest; in the adult, solutions should be infused at a rate not greater than 750 mg/hour. Therapeutically, in adults, up to 10 g orally, in divided doses has been administered daily, while intravenously up ...
Parenterally, rapid injection of strong potassium chloride solutions can cause cardiac arrest; in the adult, solutions should be infused at a rate not greater than 750 mg/hour. Therapeutically, in adults, up to 10 g orally, in divided doses has been administered daily, while intravenously up ...
砷(As),mg/kg≤ Arsenic(As As) 2 *(以Pb计),mg/kg≤ Heavy Metals (As Pb) 5 碘和溴 The Test Of Iodide and Bromide 通过试验 干燥减重,w/% ≤ Loss On Drying 1.0 钠(Na),w/% ≤ Sodium Base 0.5 1、ChemicalName:POTASSIUM CHLORIDE ...
英文名称:Potassium chloride-Hydrochloric acid Buffer solution 纯度:98 % 别名:氯化钾盐酸缓冲液/Potassium chloride-Hydrochloric acid Buffer solution 产地:美国SIGMA 品牌:SIGMA和国药 包装规格:100mg 货号:氯化钾盐酸缓冲液/Potassium chloride-Hydrochloric acid Buffer solution ...
上海玉博生物科技有限公司 主要致力于“POTASSIUM CHLORIDE AG总代理 POTASSIUM CHLORIDE AG Scientific.国内代理 ”的生产销售。多年的“POTASSIUM CHLORIDE AG总代理 POTASSIUM CHLORIDE AG Scientific.国内代理 ”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建立了稳定的合作关
the test solution to a 100-mLvolumetric flask,add 2.0mLof sodium chloride solution (1in 5)and 1.0mLof hydrochloric acid,dilute with water to volume,mix,and proceed as directed forProcedurein theAssayunderPotassium Chloride Oral Solution.Calculate the quantity,in mg,of KCl dissolved by the ...