Relationship of calcium and magnesium contents in mouse brain to electric acupuncture analgesia has been well studied. Recently workers found that both analgesic effects of electric acupuncture and morphine not only were similar, but also had a common ionic basis. The subcellular loss of calcium ...
um,phosphate,serumcreatinineandhemoglobin13.0forWindowsXP(SPSS,Chicago,IL,U.S.A.). werecheckedatleasttwiceinthefollow-upperiod. TheaverageK+,sodium,chloride,calciumandphos-RESULTS phaevelswereusedforinvestigationinthisstudy. HyperkalemiawasdefinedasaageserumK+Baselinecharacteristics value4.8meq/L.Thefirstse...
calcium content (injection from a microelectrode under pressure) used by the authors did not allow them to measure a true level of free calcium in the cell; such an injection could also cause side effects. Further clarification of this question has been undertaken byEckert & Tillotson(1978)who...
there was no antagonism relationship between them,but there was significant positive correlation between the phosphate concentration of potassium concentralion in leaf epidermal cells;besides the phosphate accumulation was limited by the level of phosphate and calcium.The magnesium concentration of root ...
(1982). It shows the activity of a single calcium-activated potassium channel in an isolated patch of membrane from an embryonic rat muscle cell. The amount of time the channel is open depends on the potential across the cell membrane as well as the level of calcium at its cytoplasmic ...
15. Sacks FM, Willett WC, Smith A, Brown LE, Rosner B, Moore TJ: Effect on blood pressure of potassium, calcium, and magnesium in women with low habitual intake. Hyper- tension 1998; 31: 131–138. 16. Diamond JA, Phillips RA: Hypertensive heart disease. Hypertens Res 2005; 28: 191...
Since then data have steadily been accumulating concerning the behavior of extracellular potassium ([K+]o) in the spinal cord and in other regions of gray matter and, more recently, concerning extracellular calcium activity ([Ca2+]o). In this short review we will summarize the work done in ...
(HDL), treatment allocation and treatment with statins, β-blockers, diuretics, calcium antagonist, and antithrombotic therapy, fruit and vegetable consumption, level of exercise, urinary sodium and potassium excretion, baseline blood pressure, and change in systolic blood pressure from baseline to ...
Novel sensors for potassium, calcium and magnesium ions based on a silicon transducer as a light-addressable potentiometric sensorSeki, A., Motoya, K., Watanabe, S. and Kubo, I. (1999).Analytica Chimica Acta382, 131–136 Reference ranges of electrolyte and anion gap on the Beckman E4A, Bec...
Extracellular calcium depletion during depolarization was also considered to participate. Calcium levels were restored during neuronal hyperpolarization. Thus, local spatial K+ buffering as well as changes in calcium levels were potential factors in pacing slow oscillations (Amzica, 2002; Amzica et al....