From February - April, Border Patrol checkpoints near Las Cruces and Alamogordo seized state regulated, (legal), marijuana and threatened to arrest the drivers. This makes the "Land of Enchantment" sound more like the "Land of Entrapment" as Border Patrol agents threatened to take the drivers ...
where thought-crimes are perpetuated against the children born in the 70’s and 80’s every single minute of every single day, there is a place you can go where everyone who thinks proper thoughts and only hates the proper hate. Where...
Flash forward to my second year of growing, I replanted the patches and made more as well. It was going to be THE YEAR for me—I was trying to go big. Maybe it was greed that got a hold of me, but I started to disregard the camouflage tactics explained before. None of my patches...
To make a claim that you can’t use green in your icon of the phone icon is absurd and that won’t cut it in court. It’s more a question of, is Samsung trying to “confuse” the consumer into thinking they are getting the iPhone when they buy a Samsung Smartphone. I’m not ...