A blog dedicated to helping you decrease pain caused by sitting at a computer desk. Learn good habits to increase energy, improve efficiency & mental focus while working at a computer desk.
When one assumes the sitting posture of simply resting one leg on top of the other (half lotus posture ) the key point is to align the legs into one line. 当行者采用只是把一条腿迭在另一条腿上面的坐姿 ( 「 莲花半盘坐姿」 ) 时,关键点是把小腿排成一条线。 ParaCrawl Corpus Fortunatel...
make a show hot-dog show off frame of mind standpoint disposition inclination outlook stance point of view attitude mien disposition carriage stance pose attitude position bearing posture Collins Roget's WordNet Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 ©...
This would also be true when a person is sitting or standing tall. Discuss what happens when the person is eating and feels full and how they feel better when they loosen their waist constriction. When their belt is loosened or the waist button of their pants is undone, they usually feel...
Ergonomics analysis for sitting posture and chair We have to sit when we work, rest or amuse in chair, especially at present most work leave us from heavy labor, and put us in inspecting work, which makes ... M Yu,J Ye,Q Zhang,... - International Conference on Computer-aided Industria...
upright/sitting/supinepostures 直立的 / 坐着的 / 仰卧的姿势 牛津词典 Goodpostureis essential when working at the computer. 用电脑工作时良好的姿势极其重要。 牛津词典 Back pains can be the result of badposture. 腰背疼可能是不良姿势造成的。
Additionally, our modern lifestyles may contribute to poor posture. Looking down at our phones or sitting at a desk for several hours a day working on a computer changes the way we hold ourselves. You may notice that you are slumped forward when performing these activities, rather than sitting...
1. When sitting at the office correctly, choose a chair built low to the groundbut with a high back to rest your spine. (Unfortunately high backed chairs are hard to find). Choose one where the seat will be approximately 18 inches from the ground. It is desired that your knees are abo...
When sitting at your desk, try to keep your knees almost aligned with your hips. This position helps to keep a neutral spine position. Sitting in a chair that’s too low positions your knees above your hips, while sitting perched higher up positions your hips significantly higher than your ...
opencv camera python3 keypoints cmu posture openpose posture-recognition sitting-posture-recognition Updated Nov 21, 2022 Python edusense / edusense Star 58 Code Issues Pull requests EduSense: Practical Classroom Sensing at Scale audio teachers classroom tracking machine-learning computer-vision peda...