The function of tight junctions in maintaining differences in lipid composition between the apical and the basolateral cell surface ... The Journal of Cell Biology Does the autistic child have a “theory of mind”? Hepatitis C viral dynamics in vivo and the antiviral efficacy of interferon-alpha...
The state postulate is useful to determine the number of state properties/variables that determine the state of a thermodynamic system in equilibrium. From: Machinery and Energy Systems for the Hydrogen Economy, 2022 About this pageSet alert Contents Definition Chapters and Articles Related Terms Recom...
postulate 动词 postulate 动词 I .pos·tu·late书动词trans[ˈpɒstjəleɪt,美ˈpɑ:stʃə-] 显示动词变位表 topostulatesth etwpostulieren雅 topostulatethat... dieThesevertreten,dass... 单数在互联网中有10个示例复数在互联网中有10个示例 ...
• To begin with, it postulates that the hero of your story is in danger.• Darwin postulated the modern theory of evolution.• Again, inhibition of suppressor cell activity was postulated to be responsible.postulate that• Hence, we postulated that adaptive cytoprotection maintains a ...
As to the structure of matter, Anaxagoras postulated an infinite number of elements, or basic building blocks. 至于结构的问题,阿那克萨哥拉假定一个无限多的要素,或基本构建模块。 ParaCrawl Corpus Scientists postulate single-cell RNA-seq could transform the basic biology and medical research landscape...
The formulators of Clonal Selection Theory proposed that what distinguishes self from foreign antigens is their early appearance in development, and their continuous presence thereafter. This early presence of a self antigen in an animals life history was envisaged to ensure that lymphocytes specific ...
waytraffic; it is dialectical.•It has beenfurtherpostulatedthat pouchitisrepresentsarecurrenceof ulcerativecolitisinreservoirswithcolonicmetaplasia.•To begin with, itpostulatesthat theheroof yourstoryis indanger.•Darwinpostulatedthemoderntheoryofevolution.•Again,inhibitionof suppressorcellactivitywas...
I was not spared the shock which every physicist accustomed to the classical way of thinking experienced when he came to know Bohr's basic postulate of quantum theory for the first time. 我是不能幸免的冲击,每个物理学家习惯于传统的思维方式经历当他知道玻尔的基本假设的量子理论 第一次。 ParaC...