Obstetricians used to think that if the pregnancy went on too long the baby would be too big to be delivered safely. When Ballantyne described the “postmature” infant in 1902, weight was part of the definition [19]. In 1922 he concluded that “the dangers both to mother and child of ...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook postmaturity [pōst″mah-chu´rĭ-te] the condition of an infant after a prolonged gestation period. adj.,adjpostmature´. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an...
(5) there was, however, a small but significant increase in weight of the overdue baby; (6) there was quite a significant increase in fetal distress, both in the multigravida and in the primigravida; and (7) there was a threefold increase in cesarean sections after the onset of labor ...
The term ‘postmaturity’ is used when the baby is 7 or more days beyond term. Hospital policy is particularly variable in this regard, and certain hospitals allow some pregnancies to continue for as long as 14 days beyond term. The hospital staff may ask the mother to be aware of and ...
Indeed, the majority of non-diabetic women who give birth to a baby weighing more than 4kg do so after a pregnancy extending beyond term200,211,212,218 –fetal growth having presumably continued during the extra weeks of intrauterine life. Such clinical observations permit the conclusion that a...