1. 清除一个全局变量 Clear a global variable 对应脚本: postman.clearGlobalVariable("variable_key"); 参数:需要清除的变量的key 2.清除一个环境变量 Clear an environment variable 对应脚本: postman.clearEnvironmentVariable("variable_key"); 参数:需要清除的环境变量的key 3.response包含内容 Response body:Co...
测试reponsebody中某个值和某个变量的值一致 pm.test("Response property matches environment variable", function () { pm.expect(pm.response.json().name).to.eql(pm.environment.get("name")); }); 测试响应数据的类型 /*response has this structure: {"name":"Jane","age": 29,"hobbies": ["ska...
VARIABLE 设置为baseURL,INITIAL VALUE 设置为https://gorest.co.in,保存之后我们就可以使用{{baseURL}}变量来替代 API URL 了。 页面下方为「全局变量」,VARIABLE 设置为kalacloud_id,INITIAL VALUE 设置为2312(2312 为 GoRest 中的一个已存在的用户信息 ID),保存后我们就可以使用{{kalacloud_id}}变量来替代...
I have also added a couple of tests, which checks whether the correct value was received in the response. You can access the data values for a specific iteration using the specialdatavariable. You can log values to the Chrome DevTools console inside test scripts. Make sure toenable Chrome De...
在Postman 中打开一个项目,点击左侧的 "Environments", 然后选择创建一个新的 "Environment",并将其命名为“测试环境”。在环境编辑界面,你可以添加键值对来定义你的环境变量。在 "Variable" 列下输入host或者其它变量名,在 "Initial Value" 和 "Current Value" 列下输入你的 API 基础 URL。例如: ...
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("variable_key", "variable_value"); 参数:环境变量的键值11.判断状态码 Status code:Code is200对应脚本: tests["Status code is 200"] = responseCode.code != 400; 参数:状态码12.检查code name 是否包含内容 Status code:Code name has string ...
You can declare a variable in an environment and give it a starting value, then use it in a request by putting the variable name within curly-braces. Create an environment to get started. 输入Key 和 value: 点击Add 后: [info] 环境变量可以使用的地方 ...
1. 清除一个全局变量 Clear a global variable 对应脚本: postman.clearGlobalVariable("variable_key"); 参数:需要清除的变量的key 2.清除一个环境变量 Clear an environment variable 对应脚本: postman.clearEnvironmentVariable("variable_key"); 参数:需要清除的环境变量的key 3.response包含内容 Response body:Co...
Learn more about variable types. Enter the Initial value and Current value for the variable. Keep in mind that the initial value is shared with anyone who has access to the environment, and the initial value is made public if you publish the environment along with a collection. If you ...
pm.globals.get("variable_key"); 清除全局变量 pm.globals.unset("variable_key"); 得到一个变量 此函数在全局变量和活动环境中搜索变量。 pm.variables.get("variable_key"); 检查响应主体是否包含字符串 pm.test("Body matches string", function () { pm.expect(pm.response.text()).to.include("string...