使用postman发起请求时,看到感叹号提示,具体信息如下: This file isn't in your working directory.Teammates you share this requestwith won't be able to use this file. To make collaboration easier you can setup your working directory in Settings. 解决方法 进入设置页面 找到以下选项 进行修改 并把需要...
然后在key里,最右边有一个选择,选择File,value就可以弹出文件框了 3.还有一点需要注意 你上传的文件必须在postMan的工作空间下,否则会提示 This file isn't in your working directory. Teammates you share this request with won't be able to use this file. To make collaboration easier you can setup you...
To make collaboration easier you can setup your working directory in Settings. 解决方法: File-->Settings-->General-->WORKING DIRECTORY-->Choose-->选择工作目录,并把需要传输的文件放置该目录下。 如果还有报错,不能识别设置的working directory,注意重启,重启解决不了问题,那么建议换postman版本,我是8.22.2...
Main~createDefaultWorkingDir - Default working dir creation already attempted 1695244468316 main info "Booting Postman 10.18.3, linux-6.4.15-200.fc38.x86_64 on x64" 1695244468317 main info "EventBus~initialize - Success" 1695244468319 main info "Proxy configuration has not been setup" 1695244468319 ...
I set a working directory as "\AppData\Local\Postman\app-7.24.0\files" and have my file there. I'm using Postman v7.24.0 Body filetype: form-data Headers: content-type multipart/form-data; boundary=< calculated when request is sent > ...
This feature is currently available only in v0.9.x Environments While working with APIs, you will often need to have different setups. For example, your local machine, the development server, or the production API. Environments give you the ability to customize requests using variables. This ...
2023-01-26 11:09:38> Setup: ERROR: there was an error while installing the application (see above) murali2002(Murali)March 22, 2023, 1:52pm3 I am also have same trouble installing postman on my pc. Can someone help me fix this problem. ...
一、如何安装postman? Postman下载地址https://www.getpostman.com/ 我下载的版本是Postman-win64-5.0.0-Setup.exe 这是免安装的,可以直接运行。 二、 如何使用postman? 跳过注册,直接使用: 三、如何配置HTTPS证书? 点击扳手图标,再... 接口测试(二)postman ...
I have the same problem. Renamed / removed files, unistalled from Windows 10, downloaded Postman-win64-9.6.0-Setup.exe and installed - nothing changes. No Postman process in task manager, nothing starts. If i start it from Powershell / Terminal, no error occurs… no new directory in App...