1."Request method 'POST/GET' not supported",如图3.1 当前请求方式不支持,检查controller中接口的请求方式与postman中接口的请求方式是否对应。 图3.1 2. "No handler found for GET /ecology/river/lis",如图3.2 一般是接口URL不对,检查URL书写是否正确。 还有可能是Mapper层没有被扫描到,检查下对应接口的Mappe...
"timestamp": "2021-07-05T09:43:42.660+0000", "status": 405, "error": "Method Not Allowed", "message": "Request method 'GET' not supported", "path": "/register" }写回答1回答好帮手慕小尤 2021-07-05 已采纳 同学你好,注册应该是POST请求,则建议同学修改请求方式。如下所示:然后重新测试...
Request method 'POST' not supported 噢哦 | 菜鸟二级 | 园豆:202 提问于:2019-09-03 10:13 < > 字节跳动旗下AI助手豆包 分享 所有回答(4) 0 换get 2333 winds_随风 | 园豆:156 (初学一级) | 2019-09-03 10:49 0 茫茫的大海 | 园豆:202 (菜鸟二级) | 2019-09-03 17:02 0 看...
postman发送post请求报错 { "msg": "system error", "code": "99999", "data": "Request method 'GET' not supported" } 请求: 问答2020-06-22来自:开发者社区 用jmeter测试json时请求失败并报错,但是用postman却没问题,这是什么原因呢? ?报错
Right now if I put simply domain.example in the URL it gives me the following error: { "message": "error.methodNotSupported", "description": "Request method 'GET' not supported", "fieldErrors": null } Could you please check it?Author Alexander...
url {string}: # 请求地址 the url for the request. responseHeaders {object}(Test-only)(Deprecated): 这是响应头的映射,这是区分大小写的 This is a map of the response headers. This is case-sensitive, and should not be used. Check thepostman.getResponseHeader() method listed above. response...
3.400(Bad Request请求错误) 4.401(Uanuthorized未授权) 5.403(Forbidden禁止) 6.404(not found未找到) 7.405(Method Not Allowed方法未允许) 8.500(in特纳了Server Error 内部服务器错误) 9.502(Bad Gateway错误网关) 10.503(Service Unavailable服务器无法获得) ...
Spring boot中的“POST”映射不支持请求方法“GET” 、、、 您好,我正在尝试创建一个POST方法,但我一直收到“404request method 'GET‘not supported”错误。下面我将发布我的Rest控制器,下面我将发布我的服务类。唯一不起作用的是@PostMapping方法。public class ATMController { public ATMController(ATMService atm...
Javahttpget请求比postmanget请求慢 、、 我正在尝试发送get请求以获取网站内容。当我使用Postman时,它需要大约70-100ms,但当我使用以下代码时:HttpURLConnectioncon = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection(); con.setRequestMethod("GET</e 浏览43提问于2017-07-24得票数3 ...
{ "info": { "name": "file-upload" }, "item": [ { "request": { "url": "https://postman-echo.com/post", "method": "POST", "body": { "mode": "formdata", "formdata": [ { "key": "file", "type": "file", "enabled": true, "src": "sample-file.txt" } ] } } } ...