1.Postman官网下载 地址:https://www.postman.com/downloads/ 选择页面中的windows.64-bit,因为博主电脑是64位的所以默认下载是64bit的。32位小伙伴们同样操作就可以,下载的就会是32bit的。 安装包下载到哪里,小伙伴们自行选择就可以。 2.Postman安装 下载好后,双击安装包 因为Postman是免安装的,双击安装包,就会...
Postman is a great tool for API development and testing. It is easy to use and provides a lot of features. The Postman UI is well designed and intuitive. It is well integrated with other services such as GitHub and can be used to quickly build collections of API requests. The Postman AP...
4.1.1,官网下载:Download Postman | Get Started for Free 4.1.2,选择对应版本(32或64-bit),选择安装路径进行安装。 4.1.3,注册登陆或直接跳过。 4.1.4,主页面常用功能解读: 4.2 资源网站页面介绍:https://gorest.co.in/ 5.1查询 5.1.1查询所有(分页查询,默认第一页) 5.1.2 分页查询第二页: 5.2 通过...
Step 1: First, click on the download button placed above this page. If you find two download buttons then click on the correct one according to your PC (64-bit or 32-bit) Step 2: After clicking on the download button, your download will start immediately. Step 3: Wait for some mome...
Downloadthe latest Postman version. Select and run the.exefile to install Postman. Postman v9.4 is the last version of Postman that supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows. All versions of Postman following v9.4 require 64-bit x86 Windows. You can continue to use Postman v9.4 and earlier...
Old Postman versions download [v7.33.1] Postman 32-bit Windows Installer Antivirus 0 / 15 Version 7.33.1 Size 94.8 MB File Signature [v7.33.1] Postman 64-bit Windows Installer 0 / 15 7.33.1 97.4 MB Signature [v7.33.1] Postman macOS - ZIP 0 / 15 7.33.1 115.8 ...
https://dl-agent.pstmn.io/download/latest/win64 Windows 32bit下载地址: https://dl-agent.pstmn.io/download/latest/win32 一、简单创建请求 先新建一个集合,方便管理你的接口 在集合里添加请求 调试请求的界面 二、设置环境变量 在日常应用中,我们经常需要切换环境调试我们的API或者需要把某些参数设置成变量...
Postman (64bit) 11.30.4 Postman (64bit) 11.30.3 Postman (64bit) 11.29.5 Postman (64bit) 11.28.4 View more Developer's Software Postman (32bit) 9.4.1 Postman (64bit) 11.33.0 Related Software Adobe Air Java Runtime Environment (32bit) 8 Update 441 Java Runtime Environment (...
Postman (64bit) 11.23.3 Postman (64bit) 11.22.0 Postman (64bit) 11.19.0 Postman (64bit) 11.18.0 View more Developer's Software Postman (32bit) 9.4.1 Postman (64bit) 11.30.4 Related Software Adobe Air Java Runtime Environment (32bit) 8 Update 441 Java Runtime Environment (...
The Postman app postman-linux-x64.tar.gz 官方 2022.09.14 下载 Linux 64 bit 因网络不方便, 下载官方版的放此 出处: https://www.postman.com/downloads/?utm_source=postman-home 上传者:yulinxx时间:2022-09-14 Postman(Postman-win32-9.19.3-Setup.exe) ...