--suppress-exit-code Specify whether or not to override thedefaultexit codeforthe current run.--silent Prevents newman from showing output toCLI.--disable-unicode Forces unicode compliant symbols to be replaced by their plain text
-i [requestName] or [folderName]仅运行集合中指定的文件夹名称或请求名称。如果存在重复名称,Postman CLI 将运行首先出现的文件夹或请求。 --ignore-redirects防止 Postman CLI 自动遵循 3XX 重定向响应。 --insecure,-k关闭 SSL 验证检查并允许自签名 SSL 证书。
encountering an errorand whether to end the run with an error based on the optional modifier.-x , --suppress-exit-code Specify whether or not tooverridethedefaultexit codeforthe current run.--silent Prevents newmanfromshowing output to CLI.--disable-unicode Forces unicode compliant symbols to b...
encountering an errorand whether to end the run with an error based on the optional modifier.-x , --suppress-exit-code Specify whether or not tooverridethedefaultexit codeforthe current run.--silent Prevents newmanfromshowing output to CLI.--disable-unicode Forces unicode compliant symbols to b...
I also tried --ssl-client-key and --ssl-client-cert (from Newman) but as expected neither flag is supported by Postman Cli Snatched the certificate frompostman.com(redirected frompostman-echo.com), saved is as -pem and added it to my certificate root store ...
options.color Enable or Disable colored CLI output.Available options: on, off and autoOptionalType: string, Default value: auto options.sslClientCert The path to the public client certificate file.OptionalType: string options.sslClientKey The path to the private client key file.OptionalType: strin...
--disable-unicode强制禁用 unicode 选项。提供后,输出中的所有符号都将替换为它们的纯文本等效项。 -k,--insecure关闭严格的 SSL。 -x,--suppress-exit-code即使在失败后继续运行测试,但退出code=0 --ignore-redirects关闭自动跟踪响应3XX。 --verbose显示 collection run 和发送的每个请求的详细信息。
--silent 阻止Newman向CLI显示输出 --disable-unicode 强制将符合Unicode的符号替换为其纯文本等效项 --color <value> 启用/禁用彩色输出 (auto|on|off) (默认: "auto") --delay-request [n] 指定请求之间的延迟程度(毫秒)(默认值:0) --timeout [n] 指定收集运行的超时时间(毫秒)(默认值:0) ...
-r cli,html,json,junit --reporter-json-export jsonOut.json --reporter-junit-export xmlOut.xml --reporter-html-export htmlOut.html 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 简要说明: postman_collection.json:导出的 collection 文件名 postman_environment.json:包含环境变量的环境文件 ...
color Enable or Disable colored CLI output. (possible values: on or of or auto) auto 🚫 sslClientCert The path to the public client certificate file. 🚫 🚫 sslClientKey The path to the private client key file. 🚫 🚫 sslClientPassphrase The secret client key passphrase. 🚫 🚫...