Postman---Response body:JSON value check的使用介绍 Response body:JSON value check :检查Response返回的body的某个字段所对应的值是否与预期结果的值相等 1、直接点击 Response body:JSON value check 代码填充到Tests中 2、修改参数,进行与预期值的对比 若开发给出了接口文档,可根据接口文档查看正确的返回结果应...
Response body:JSON value check :检查Response返回的body的某个字段所对应的值是否与预期结果的值相等 1、直接点击 Response body:JSON value check 代码填充到Tests中 2、修改参数,进行与预期值的对比 若开发给出了接口文档,可根据接口文档查看正确的返回结果应该包含哪些值,若因为条件艰苦没有接口文档可看,可根据c...
function checkIfArrayIsUnique(array) { return array.length === new Set(array).size; } pm.test('Check is Ids are unique', () => { let ids = [] _.each(pm.response.json().customCategories, (item) => { ids.push(item.customCategoryID) }) pm.expect(checkIfArrayIsUnique(ids), ids...
4.转化XML格式的响应成JSON对象---Convert XML body to a JSON object var jsonObject = xml2Json(responseBody); 5.检查响应body中等于指定string--Check if response body is equal to a string tests["Body is correct"] = responseBody === "response_body_string"; 6.检查JSON某字段值--Check for ...
var jsonObject = xml2Json(responseBody); 1. 5.检查响应body中等于指定string--Check if response body is equal to a string tests["Body is correct"] = responseBody === "response_body_string"; 1. 6.检查JSON某字段值--Check for a JSON value ...
Response body:JSONvalue check 代码语言:javascript 复制 //上文提到,responseBody 为字符串类型,支持转为 Json 格式varjsonData=JSON.parse(responseBody);tests["Your test name"]=jsonData.value===100; Response time is less than 200ms 代码语言:javascript ...
11、Check if response body is equal to a string (检查响应主体是否等于一个字符串) pm.test("Body is correct", function () {"response_body_string"); }); 12、Check for a JSON value (检查JSON值) pm.test("Your test name", function () { ...
pm.test("Response body contains expected data", function () { pm.expect(pm.response.text()).to.include("expected_value"); }); JSON响应验证 // 验证响应是否有效json pm.test("Response is valid JSON", function () { pm.expect(pm.response.json())"object"); ...
Response body: JSON value check //上文提到,responseBody 为字符串类型,支持转为 Json 格式 var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody); tests["Your test name"] = jsonData.value === 100; Response time is less than 200ms //判断请求时长是否小于200ms ,具体时长按情况自定义 ...
Describe the bug JSONDecodeError when sending API request through Postman. It is happening at the line params = json.loads(string) within modules/ The string has single quotes instead of double quotes required to decode the JSON. ...