图3 后台路径 进入后如图 4所示,在此找到Posting Key为16的条目,并用鼠标点击进入。 图4 Posting Keys概览 进入后Posting Key 16的细节如图 5所示,修改字段状态则点击工具栏的“Maintain Field Status”按钮( )。 图5 Posting Key 16明细 图6显示字段状态有多个组,“Text”字段在第一个General data组中,用鼠...
SAP standard transactions come pre-defined with posting keys which can either be debit or credit. SAP R/3 FI comes pre delivered with the following default posting key values. These psoting key values depend upon the area in SAP FI. General Ledger Transactions - "Debit" is posting key 40 ...
1. Go to FBKP 2. Select Clearing procedure 3. Double click on outgoing payment 4. In vendors tab, you will find the posting key for special GL as 29 and in GL Accounts tab page, you will find the credit posting key as 50. I hope you understood Regards, JigarAsk...
In case of under payment the system picks posting key 06 which is fine, but in case of over payment the system picks posting key 15 in place of 16. I looked into OBXH and there the posting keys mentioned for payment difference are 06 and 16 however, the system is picking posting key...
自动过账的Posting KeySAP方丈语录之六-MM模块的自动过账 这个就没有什么好说了,如果有什么问题就MSN本方丈好了。 事务一般修改Valuation Class和科目备注Memo AG1 N/A和运输机构相关,在SAP标准的MM定价类型有的条件类型用到此Account key , AG2 N/A AG3 N/A企业根本不用. AKO N/A如有多plant而需要区分此...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Hi, Im processing tcode F-28 (incoming payment), amount of payment is not recorded for reconciliation account (posting key - 15(incoming payment), but also for reconciliation account (posting key 08 - clearing payment). Impact, it is only recorded for re...
SAP Tcode FPE1LG Description Posting of Provisional Postings Package FKKB Program Name SAPMFKP1 Screen Number 100 Transaction Type T Module Financial Accounting ► Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable The SAP TCode FPE1LG is used for the task: Posting of Provisional Postings. The TCode belo...
SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) Hi All, Can someone guide me how the Debit and the creift indicator is determined for the system to post the accouting entry for a sales transaction. Through account determination the GL account is determined for an account key. For example if...
The link between Posting Key and G/L Account is your tax code which you can see in OB40. Example, as you said posting keys 40 and 50 are assigned to Transaction MWS for which you can you see in OB40 where different tax codes and G/L Accounts would be maintained. This MWS is also...
Alternatively, you can even use the posting rule key as a BTC-code. See the example below: From business perspective, this configuration does not make sense, because the bank will never provide a bank statement with BTC code UA+T. But this workaround will address the requirement of the ...