Posting Key Description 40 G/L account debit posting 50 G/L account credit posting 01 Customer invoice 11 Customer credit memo 21 Vendor credit memo 25 Vendor payment 31 Vendor invoiceIntegrationThe document type specifies which account types you can post to. The posting key specifies which ...
Lets say you want the credits in customer account where you have used a credit memo on account of discount. How are you going to give the report. Use these posting keys and setup a process where in whenever a user gives a credit memo by using a selected posting key which was set by ...
Customer (Client) Credit memo posting to an expense account you call Referral Fee. When you receive the payment against the invoice you also apply the credit. If you choose, in preferences, to automatically apply credits this will be done for you. I advise to ...
I am uploading data from a flat file using BAPI to upload customer gl accounts. The Posting Key ( BSCHL ) mentioned in the flat file is 01 ( for invoice ) , but when it is posted , in FB02 i am seeing it as 11 ( credit memo ). i checked all the data passed on to the BAPI...
ArrayOfChangedCustomerKey ArrayOfChangedInternetAddressKey ArrayOfChangedItemKey ArrayOfChangedPriceLevelKey ArrayOfChangedPricingKey ArrayOfChangedSalesInvoiceKey ArrayOfChangedSalesOrderKey ArrayOfChangedSalespersonKey ArrayOfChangedShippingMethodKey ArrayOfChangedTaxDetailKey ArrayOfChangedTaxScheduleDetailKey ArrayOf...
Purch. Credit Memo Account Field, General Posting Setup Table 發行項 2015/09/25 本文內容 Parent Tables See Also Specifies the number of the general ledger account to which the program will post transactions involving purchase credit memos for this particular combination of business posting group ...
the discounts that were taken for payment terms on those invoices follow the fully applied credit memo and move to history. The discounts that were taken on the partially applied or other invoices follow the check. So, the resulting posting journals may have varying results, depending...
Vendor Noted Item | |Payment with Printout | |Payment Request | |Maintain Table: Posting Periods | |Maintain Table: Exchange Rates | |Park Vendor Invoice | |Park Customer Invoice | |Preliminary Posting | |Park Vendor Credit Memo | |Park Customer Credit Memo | |Acquisition from purchase w. ...
SAP Community WIKI, SAP Community Forum, How to Consulting;known issue, zero balance, clearing Lines, Partial clearing, Residual clearing, open item selection, cash discount, vendor invoice, customer invoice, Down payment, down payment request, request, paymetn advice, credit memo, Overflow, Large...
Specifies the number of the general ledger account to which the program will post transactions involving sales credit memos for this particular combination of business posting group and product posting group. To see the account numbers in the Chart of Accounts window, choose the field....