Balanoposthitis Treatment & ManagementUpdated: Oct 05, 2020 Author: Vladimir O Osipov, MD; Chief Editor: Dirk M Elston, MD more...Medical Care Topical antibiotics (metronidazole cream) and antifungals (clotrimazole cream) or low-potency steroid creams for contact dermatitides often lead to ...
Topical empiric treatment of balanoposthitis includes antibiotics (bacitracin, metronidazole, mupiricin, or bacitracin/polymyxin B), antifungals (clotrimazole 1% cream), and low-potency (1% hydrocortisone) corticosteroids.[20][21]Metronidazole is effective for anaerobic bacteria, fungi, and protozoa.[22...
A Comparative Trial of Bifonazole 1% Cream and Clotrimazole 1% Cream in the Treatment of Candidal Balanoposthitis. Eine Vergleichsstudie von Bifonazol 1% Creme mit Clotrimazol 1% Creme in der Behandlung der Candida‐Balanoposthitisdoi:10.1111/j.1439-0507.1987.tb03972.xR. D. Maw...
12.Clinical observation of candidal balanitis treated with 1% butenafine hydrochloride cream;盐酸布替萘芬乳膏治疗念珠菌性龟头炎临床疗效观察 13.ANALYSIS ON THE TREATMENT AND CAUSES OF 51 WHITE ROSARY FUNGUS BALANITIS PATIENTS IN A COLLEGE某学院51例白色念珠菌龟头炎患者的治疗及病因分析 14.Clinical Obse...
念珠菌性包皮龟头炎的致病菌种及其药敏试验分析 2. Isolation and identification of Malassezia species in patients with balanoposthitis; 从包皮龟头炎患者皮损处分离鉴定马拉色菌 3. Therapeutic Effect of 1% Bifonazole Cream and Triamcinolone Acetonide and Econazole Cream on Candidal Balanoposthitis ...