在许多编程语言中,有基本的equals运算符,它将检查两个字符串的文本是否相等: //this code runs但还有严格的等于运算符: //this code will never run在MySQL中,上面的代码片段有没有等价< 浏览0提问于2012-06-26得票数 6 回答已采纳 2回答 使用在BigInt中不工作的Bloom索引的PostgreSQL自定义运算符类 、、、...
st_setsrid(point,4326) 例:update table_name SET column_name=st_setsrid(st_point(117.4364, 25.9747), 4326)where id='xxx'; 4、转换坐标系函数,g1:空间几何对象,srid:是坐标系4326,3857...等等 st_transform(geometryg1, integersrid) 5、点在不在面里面函数g1是空间几何面对象,g2是空间几何点对象 ...
@RequestParam(name = "pageSize", required = false, defaultValue = "15") int pageSize, @RequestParam(name = "condition",required = false) String conditionJson) { QueryWrapper queryWrapper = SearchUtil.parseWhereSql(conditionJson); queryWrapper.orderByDesc("CREATE_DATE"); return service.getPageTes...
Tip: 有些应用可能要求表达式expression = NULL在expression得出空值时返回真。我们强烈建议这样的应用修改成遵循 SQL 标准。但是,如果这样修改不可能完成,那么我们可以使用配置变量transform_null_equals。如果打开它,PostgreSQL将把x = NULL子句转换成x IS NULL。
(比如LINESTRING(0 0, 2 2)和LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1, 2 2)是相同的几何对象) ST_Equals(geometry, geometry) 判断两个几何对象是否分离 ST_Disjoint(geometry, geometry) 判断两个几何对象是否相交 ST_Intersects(geometry, geometry) 判断两个几何对象的边缘是否接触 ST_Touches(geometry, geometry) 判断两个...
{ $$ = false; } ; /* where 条件语句部分 */ where_clause: WHERE a_expr { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; /* variant for UPDATE and DELETE */ where_or_current_clause: WHERE a_expr { $$ = $2; } | WHERE CURRENT_P OF cursor_name { CurrentOfExpr *n = ...
NULLIF –return NULL if the first argument equals the second one. CAST –convert from one data type into another e.g., from a string into an integer, from a string into a date. Section 16. PostgreSQL Utilities psql commands –show you the most common psql commands that help you interact...
删除一条记录 delete from bj_ways_car where bj_ways_car.gid = 58779; 删除表及相关依赖关系 DROP TABLE public.bjwayscar_vertices_pgr CASCADE; DROP TABLE public.bjwayscar CASCADE; DROP TABLE public.bjpointsofinterestcar CASCADE; DROP TABLE public.configuration CASCADE; ...