MySQL vs PostgreSQL : 都是关系型数据库,都能满足线上业务需求;MySQL较早落地推广(赶了个早市),PostgreSQL功能稍强大(对数据分析场景会更友好些)。 MySQL vs MongoDB :可以看做是传统的关系型数据库与NoSQL的对比,具体场景具体分析 MongoDB vs PostgreSQL : 有说法是可以互相替换,因为PostgreSQL也能支持非结构化...
RESTART IDENTITY, CONTINUE IDENTITY, transaction-safe, etc.(对于移除表中的数据,delete是可以的,但是对于一个大表,truncate是更加有效的方式,因为truncate删除表中所有行的时候不需要扫表整个表) MySQL TRUNCATE TABLE does not support CASCADE and transaction safe i.e,. once...
Azure Database for MySQL is a PaaS implementation of MySQL in the Azure cloud, based on the MySQL Community Edition. You can currently select from support for MySQL versions 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0, depending on your needs. Support for additional versions will be provided...
并不是mysql数据库多主键的问题,是pg多schema下出现相同表名,导致解析bug,将所有相同表名的所有字段认为是一个表下的字段,导致出现多个主键 wangjing0716 commented Oct 12, 2020 那怎么解决的? wangjing0716 commented Oct 12, 2020 pg 的 审计表,rev + id 联合主键 ,导致报错 multi pk only support mysql...
ConnectToTargetAzureDbForMySqlTaskProperties ConnectToTargetAzureDbForPostgreSqlSyncTaskInput ConnectToTargetAzureDbForPostgreSqlSyncTaskOutput ConnectToTargetAzureDbForPostgreSqlSyncTaskProperties ConnectToTargetSqlDbSyncTaskInput ConnectToTargetSqlDbSyncTaskProperties ConnectToTargetSqlDbTas...
spring boot custom support MySQL & PostgreSQL package;;importjava.lang.reflect.Field;importjava.lang.reflect.Method;importjava.util.ArrayList;importjava.util.Arrays;importjava.util.Collections;imp...
PostgreSQL is an open source database with a well-deserved reputation for speed, reliability, flexibility and support of open standards.
ORM framework, support databases: MySQL, MariaDB, TiDB, OceanBase, SQL Server, Oracle, SQLite, DuckDB, MS Access, Firebird, PostgreSql, OpenGauss, HighgoDB, IvorySQL, QuestDB, DB2, Informix, ClickHouse, 达梦, 人大金仓, 神通, 虚谷, ... - Sean-Lu/DbReposit
(You could easily modify it to use MySQL, MariaDB, etc). pgadmin_default_user: PGAdmin default user, to log-in to the PGAdmin interface. pgadmin_default_user_password: PGAdmin default user password. Generate it with the method above. traefik_constraint_tag: The tag to be used by the ...