PostgreSQL 的特性覆盖了 SQL-2/SQL-92 和 SQL-3/SQL-99,首先,它包括了可以说是目前世界上最丰富的数据类型的支持,其中有些数据类型可以说连商业数据库都不具备, 比如 IP 类型和几何类型等;其次,PostgreSQL 是全功能的自由软件数据库,很长时间以来,PostgreSQL 是唯一支持事务、子查询、多版本并行控制系统、数据...
People have been posting comments onReddit as well
People have pointed out things we omitted and things we got wrong, so we have corrected some of these and will be slowly adding updates. A lot of people have been making comments on the relatedReddit Cross Compare of SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL threadin addition to this blog....