你可以通过以下 SQL 语句来安装 uuid-ossp 扩展: sql CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp"; 这条语句会检查 uuid-ossp 扩展是否已经存在,如果不存在,则会进行安装。 重新尝试调用 uuid_generate_v4() 函数,检查是否还有异常: 安装完扩展后,你可以尝试重新调用 uuid_generate_v4() 函数来检查问题是否...
select uuid_generate_v4() as one, uuid_generate_v4() as two; “一”uuid和“二”uuid相等! CREATE TABLE "TB" ( "Id" uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), "Title" character varying NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "TB_Class_ID" PRIMARY KEY ("Id") ); PostgreSQL9.0 pgAdmin 1 浏览7提问于201...
以下是uuid_generate_v4() 函数的实现原理: 版本编号(Version): UUID 分为版本 1 到版本 5。版本 1 使用时间戳和 MAC 地址来生成 UUID,而版本 4 使用随机数生成器来生成 UUID。uuid_generate_v4() 函数生成的是版本 4 的 UUID。 随机数生成: uuid_generate_v4() 使用一个高质量的随机数生成器来生成 UU...
uuid_generate_v4 在uuid-ossp.c中可以看到他们分别调用了 return uuid_generate_internal(UUID_MAKE_V1, NULL, NULL, 0); return uuid_generate_internal(UUID_MAKE_V1 | UUID_MAKE_MC, NULL, buf, 13); return uuid_generate_internal(UUID_MAKE_V4, NULL, NULL, 0); ...
To install the uuid-ossp module, you use the CREATE EXTENSION statement as follows: CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp"; The IF NOT EXISTS clause allows you to avoid re-installing the module. If you want to generate a UUID value, you can use the uuid_generate_v4() function. For...
The ID is created and is denoted as UUID. However, the default value of 'uuid_generate_v4()' is not set in the database. I've tried blowing the test database away, rake test:prepare and rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test. Can't seem to get it working and tests are failing as a ...
最近在工作中编写业务sql的时候,突然对于gen_random_uuid() 这个方法比较好奇,他在高并发的情况下是否拥有强一致性的特点(就是保证主键唯一性),趁着...
uuid-ossp Provides functions to generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs), and functions to produce certain special UUID constants.Other extensions YugabyteDB supports the following additional extensions, some of which you must install manually.Extension...
id int primary key not null, name text not null, price int not null, tenant_id uuid NOT NULL ); Define a tenant: valtenantA=UUID.fromString("55be0301-83f5-45e6-8e1d-e902fe99dc43") Add jOOQ policies on the table: DefaultPolicyProvider().append(SALES,SALES.TENANT_ID.eq(tenantA))...