postgres=# ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'myPassword'; ALTER ROLE If successful, Postgres will output a confirmation of ALTER ROLE as seen above. Finally, exit the psql client by using the \q command. postgres=# \q You’re all done. The default postgres user now has a password associated ...
postgres=#createuserapassword'a'; CREATEROLE postgres=#grantconnectondatabasepostgrestoa; GRANT postgres=#createschemaaauthorizationa; CREATESCHEMA postgres=#alteruserasetsearch_path=a; ALTERROLE postgres=#createuserbpassword'b'; CREATEROLE postgres=#grantconnectondatabasepostgrestob; GRANT postgres=#cre...
postgres=# create user a password 'a';CREATEROLE postgres=# grant connect on database postgres to a;GRANTpostgres=# create schema a authorization a;CREATESCHEMApostgres=# alter user a set search_path=a;ALTERROLE postgres=# create user b password 'b';CREATEROLE postgres=# grant connect on d...
使用CREATE ROLE 或 CREATE USER(CREATE USER 是 CREATE ROLE 的一个带有登录权限的别名)语句来创建新用户。 CREATEUSERreadonly_userWITHPASSWORD'your_secure_password'; 注意:从 PostgreSQL 10 开始,建议使用 CREATE ROLE 和 ALTER ROLE ... LOGIN 来创建用户,因为 CREATE USER 只是 CREATE ROLE 的一个快捷方式。
不能用搜索路径 GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA abc TO abc; grant select ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA abc to abc; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA abc GRANT select ON TABLES TO abc; create user abc_w with ENCRYPTED password ''; create user abc_r with ENCRYPTED password ''; GRANT abc_rw to abc_w...
create user 用户名 password '密码'; #设置只读权限 alter user 用户名 set default_transaction_read_only = on; #设置可操作的数据库 grant all on database 数据库名 to 用户名; #授权可操作的模式和权限 -- 授权 grant select on all tables in schema public to 用户名; ...
--创建管理员 pgadmin create role pgadmin with superuser login password 'pgadminAa123456'; --创建开发用户 create role yuzhenchao with login password 'yzc+Aa123456' connection limit 10 valid until '2023-01-16 00:00:00'; --创建数据装载用户 create role copyload with login password 'copy+Aa1234...
[, DEFAULT = default ] [, ELEMENT = element ] [, DELIMITER = delimiter ] ) CREATE USER 创建一个新的数据库用户帐户。 CREATE USER name [ [ WITH ] option [ ... ] ] option 可以是以下选项之一: SYSID uid | [ ENCRYPTED | UNENCRYPTED ] PASSWORD 'password' ...
可以使用create user或create role,区别仅在于user默认带有连接权限(login权限)而role没有; 例: create user '' with SUPERUSER PASSWORD '123456'; create user repl REPLICATION LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'repl'; create user test with PASSWORD '123456' VALID UNTIL '2022-12-31'; ENCRYPTED PASS...