First, create a replication user in the main server, to be used from the standby server: sudo -u postgres createuser --replication -P -e replicator Let’s configure the main server to turn on the streaming replication. Open the file/etc/postgresql/*/main/postgresql.confand make sure you ...
[root@EULER1~]# su-pg1-c"psql -Upostgres -p 5432 -h"Passwordforuser postgres:psql(12.5)Type"help"forhelp.postgres=# create tablespace mytbs location'/opt/custome-tablespace';CREATETABLESPACEpostgres=# \db+Listoftablespaces Name|Owner|Location|Access privileges|Options|Size|Descri...
其他用户因为没有配置user mapping, 所以无法登陆. 例如想使用postgres用户登录. pg92@db-172-16-3-39-> psql -h -p 1999 -U postgres digoal psql: FATAL: certificate authentication failed for user "postgres" FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "postgres", dat...
CPU: user: 0.00 s, system: 0.00 s, elapsed: 0.00 s. VACUUM catalog 受影响 postgres=# vacuum verbose pg_attribute ; psql: INFO: vacuuming "pg_catalog.pg_attribute" psql: INFO: "pg_attribute": found 0 removable, 293 nonremovable row versions in 6 out of 62 pages DETAIL: 14 dead row...
可以阅读在 Azure Database for PostgreSQL 中创建用户来获取有关创建 PostgreSQL 用户的更详细信息。 创建一个名为create_user.sql的 SQL 脚本用于创建非管理员用户。 添加以下内容,在本地保存该脚本: 备注 Microsoft 建议使用最安全的可用身份验证流。 此过程中所述...
pgdb=> CREATE USER MAPPING FOR pguser SERVER oradb OPTIONS (user 'orauser', password 'orapwd'); (You can use external authentication to avoid storing Oracle passwords; see below.) pgdb=> CREATE FOREIGN TABLE oratab ( id integer OPTIONS (key 'true') NOT NULL, text character varying(30)...
pgdb=> CREATE USER MAPPING FOR pguser SERVER oradb OPTIONS (user 'orauser', password 'orapwd'); (You can use external authentication to avoid storing Oracle passwords; see below.) pgdb=> CREATE FOREIGN TABLE oratab ( id integer OPTIONS (key 'true') NOT NULL, ...
If you select User-Created Database with Public IP Address as the instance type, you do not need to set the Instance Region parameter. Note If a whitelist is configured for the self-managed PostgreSQL database, you must add the CIDR blocks of...
401 402 ## Type mapping 403 404 See [LoopBack 4 types]( (or [LoopBack 3 types]( for 405 details on LoopBack's data types. ...
If any differences are found, look at the AWS SCT logs to identify reasons for failure or create it manually. Tables The AWS SCT converts source Db2 for z/OS tables to the equivalent target (PostgreSQL) tables. If required, we can use custom ...