Choose the PostgreSQL Unicode (x64) driver and click the Finish button to move ahead. Another dialog box, ‘PostgreSQL Unicode ODBC Driver Setup’, is opened. Within the dialog box, you need to specify parameters like Description, Database, Data Source, Port, Server, SSL Mode, Username, ...
我不能执行的是copy语句。下面是我的代码。$DBConnectionString = "Driver={PostgreSQL UNICODE(x64)};Server=mysvr;Port=5420;Database=mydb;Uid=myuser;$DBCmd.ExecuteReader();使用“42601”参数调用"ExecuteReader“时出现异常</ 浏览2提问于2021-06-03得票数 1...
数据源:string connectionString = "DSN=PostgreSQL35W;UID=postgres;PWD=***;"; 驱动:string connString = "Driver={PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)};Server=localhost;Database=MyDataBase;UID=postgres;PWD=***;Port=5432;"; PS:odbc要注意计算机是32位还是64位,最好根据计算机来安装相应的驱动。应用程序也要指定...
选择“PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)”(或相应的驱动版本),然后点击“完成”。 填写数据库连接信息,包括服务器地址、端口、数据库名称、用户名和密码。 点击“测试”确保连接成功,然后点击“确定”保存配置。 在Linux上配置ODBC数据源: 编辑/etc/odbc.ini文件,添加你的数据源配置:[MyPostgreSQL] Driver = /usr/lib/x86...
database=xxxx;driver={PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)};port=5432;server=34.xxxxxx;sslmode=require; This worked for me Message 5 of 5 3,049 Views 1 Reply Anonymous Not applicable 01-23-2022 10:11 PM Hi @fabiomanniti Is your database in the cloud ? If your database is on the ...
Hello, I am having many troubles setting up the Postgresql ODBC Unicode64 Driver on the VM. I am working on Mac M1 and windows 11. I am wondering if this issue is linked to the windows ARM. I have downloaded the most recent ODBC driver from Postgres called - psqlodbc_13_02_0000-x6...
DataType.OdbcOracleDriver={Oracle in XE};Server=//; Persist Security Info=False; Trusted_Connection=Yes;UID=odbc1;PWD=123456; Min Pool Size=1 DataType.OdbcPostgreSQLDriver={PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)};Server=; Port=5432;UID=postgres;PWD=123456; Database=tedb_odbc...
//, where I'm using the psqlodbc_x64.msi driver found at Specifically the Postgres SQL Unicode driver (although, changing it to any of the others doesn't ...
Step 2: Next we choose the PostgreSQL Unicode (x64) version and click Finish.Step 3: In the dialog box that pops-up, provide a name and description for the data source, specify the database name, server's IP address, port, username and password as connection parameters. Once done, ...
DataType.OdbcOracleDriver={Oracle in XE};Server=//; Persist Security Info=False; Trusted_Connection=Yes;UID=odbc1;PWD=123456; Min Pool Size=1 DataType.OdbcPostgreSQLDriver={PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)};Server=; Port=5432;UID=postgres;PWD=123456; Database=tedb_odbc...