To create a database we can use the command - CREATE DATABASE database_name For Example - CREATE DATABASE blog This will create a database of name “blog” We can view all databases available by using the command- \l To use any database use command- \c database_name 2. To Drop a...
create table ([字段名1] [类型1] ;,[字段名2] [类型2],...<,primary key (字段名m,字段名n,...)>;) 创建表 SQL 语句 (SELECT * FROM "table1";) 可以执行 SQL 语句 参考资料 http:/...
PostgreSQL is free and open-source. Start learning PostgreSQL now ❯ Learning by Doing In this tutorial you get a step by step guide on how to install and create a PostgreSQL database. You will learn how to create a project where you can create, read, update, and delete data. ...
psql -c "create db dvdrental" --postgresql 对这个建数据的语法倒还是比较严的,不像db2 ,create db or create database都可以。 下面是postgresql中的语法,还算比较清爽 :-) CREATE DATABASE name [ [ WITH ] [ OWNER [=] user_name ] [ TEMPLATE [=] template ] [ ENCODING [=] encoding ] [ LC...
创建tutorial 数据库,用户名为 postgres,密码为 password: $docker pull postgres$docker run --rm--name postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d postgres:latest$dockerexec-it postgres psql -U postgres>CREATE database tutorial;>\c tutorial ...
Advanced PostgreSQL Tutorial This advanced PostgreSQL tutorial covers the advanced concepts including stored procedures, indexes, views, triggers, and database administrations. PostgreSQL PL/pgSQL This PostgreSQL stored procedures section shows you step by step how to develop PostgreSQL user-defined function...
以下步骤会创建一个名为“tutorialdb”的数据库: 右键单击“服务器”侧栏中的 PostgreSQL 服务器,选择“新建查询” 。 将此SQL 语句粘贴到打开的查询编辑器中。 SQL CREATEDATABASEtutorialdb; 从工具栏中选择“运行”以执行查询。 通知显示在“消息”窗格中,以显示查询进度。
create user 用户名 password '密码'; #设置只读权限 alter user 用户名 set default_transaction_read_only = on; #设置可操作的数据库 grant all on database 数据库名 to 用户名; #授权可操作的模式和权限 -- 授权 grant select on all tables in schema public to 用户名; ...
In today’s article, we will explain how to change the OWNER when creating a database and after it has been created in PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL provides … Read More » Linux Top Command Onur ARDAHANLI January 14, 2025 Linux 0 In this tutorial, we will learn to use the top(table of ...
下列步驟會建立名為 tutorialdb 的資料庫:在[伺服器] 提要欄位中,以滑鼠右鍵按一下您的 PostgreSQL 伺服器,然後選取 [新增查詢]。 將此SQL 陳述式貼到開啟的查詢編輯器。 SQL 複製 CREATE DATABASE tutorialdb; 從工具列,選取 [執行] 執行查詢。 通知會出現在 [訊息] 窗格中,顯示查詢進度。